Poem Seventeen ♬ - Our ℒⅈƒε-Scape

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The windmills.
What do they do?
Yes, they give green energy...
But they're ruining our landscape.

I look left,
I look right...
None. Yet.

Those beautiful, untainted vacation places,
Even they've gotten them...
The battle to keep them away
It's being lost by those who oppose.

The windmills break,
With the possibility of crushing.
Crushing something, or someone.
Why do we tolerate it?

They can go away now.
They don't need to ruin what we saw for years.
The open skies, trees, and fields.

Can we have them back?
These landscapes have become more to us.
They are our lives,
Our ℒⅈƒε-scapes.

Random thing about something my mom and I talked about yesterday.

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