Poem Nineteen ♬ - Calculating Like A Computer (Song?)

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Memories shift and flee,
They fall down, get back up,
This all distracts me!
At some points, I have to ask, "Which way is up?"

Then I remember images from long ago.
Things from preschool, faces, too much, too many,
My life yells to me, "Go!"
But I'm stuck in the memory bunch, all and any.

When I see a friend who I met in my past,
I am calculating like a computer, remembering, thinking.
I find the memory at short last,
And remember everything.

Calculating like a computer, why me?
I calculate with my heart, but still like a machine!
Why do I still have this memory?
Memories mixing with dreams, what was I thinking?

I remember something a friend said, long gone in a memory.
Years later, I bring it up, and they forgot.
What is different about me?
I just have to keep my head, before it gets too hot.

Memories jumbled,
Is my brain knotted?
Something comes from me when I'm stolen by a memory, a mumble.
Everything disorganized, as if everything were flung by a rumble.

This is how everything will be?
Everything is made to be replaced,
But memories aren't the same! It isn't for me!
The look, the outside is just a mask, a face.

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