Poem Thirty ♬ - Fear

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My fear.
Though I like to think I've conquered  it,
I haven't.
I know this, always.

Fear comes between the smallest cracks,
Makes the tiniest of barriers,
Filling with potentials:
Embarassment, lack of confidence, you know the drill.

It comes between my ideas,
My speeches,
My love.
I try, but I fail.

I try being inspiring.
It's no lie, I honestly feel that way.
But I can't always be like that,
And it's tearing me apart.

I shake when I give a speech.
I go silent when I talk to my love.
I hesitate when I participate in pep rallies.
Uncertainty and fear dominating my thoughts.

I was so social when I was young.
Why was I stripped of something so fun?
It would have made me more myself, more daring.
I know I can do so much if I only had the guts to try.

Oh, but you don't believe me, do you?
Charizard_100 is confident.
But my real name is not Charizard,
Nor am I as confident.

I wish I could be a million different things,
All the while remembering my past is me.
But I just wish I could have been more open,
So I don't have to fear losing my love as well...

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