Poem Twenty-Eight ♬ - All You Want

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Underestimate me all you want,
You'll be surprised in the end.

Try to corrupt me all you want,
You'll never even penetrate my innocent heart.

Pair me up all you want,
I'm done fighting your illusion.

I will do as I please,
I have standards for myself, for my morals.

You can't change me into what you want.
I can't be molded like clay, like some can.

Provoke me all you want,
You'll slowly lose my trust.

I won't give you all you want,
For I have things to do, myself.

If you earn my love, as many have,
I will drop everything for you.

If you have not, well,
I may or may not even help at all.

This is my warning,
If you play with fire, you get burned.

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