Poem Thirty-Seven ♬ - Layers

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Somethings happen,
Where different layers are needed.
Sometimes we tend to sharpen
In response to someone's deed.

For me, it's this easy:
Warming fire for those I care for,
Cold steel for those I see as an enemy.
Really, there's no reason to say more.

Others have many more sides,
And that's just fine for them.
But that would get tiresome to keep on the mind,
And I have other things to do, then.

Sure, we all have masks,
But they can't cover our layers.
No matter how much we plead or ask
They layers just get more stubborn to stay here.

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February 27, 2016
Short poem is short. This is something I thought about, and something I just noticed about me. Anyway, take it how you will, related how you will, and have a good day!

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