Poem Fifteen ♬ - Fin se Fin Dovahkiin (The [Way] of The Dragonborn)

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The word, it is the moral dragon.
The mortal with a dragon's soul.
He who can steal fellow Dovah souls.

The Dragonborn has many paths he may take.
The path of the Thief,
The path of the Assassin,
The path of the Mage.

The path of the Bard,
The path of the Warrior,
The path of the Daedra,
The path of the Aedra.

And many more to name.
But what did the prophecy say?
That last line, the one about the dragonslayer?

"The World-Eater wakes,"
Al-du-in, Harbinger of the End Times.
Destroyer, Devour, Master.
That is his name in Tamrielic.

"And the wheel turns upon the last Dragonborn."
The last of they who was the bridge.
The last the Greybeards get to teach,
The last of the dragonslayers.

But who will he be?
Will he be good, wielding justice as a weapon?
Or will he be a tyrant, as so many Dovah were?

Kill the innocent, let the guilty live?
How do you stand with Paarthurnax's past?
The Blade's oath?
How do you read an Elder Scroll?

The Dragonborn.
The last line, the last of the Dovahkiin.
How poetic.

He is meant to bring peace, to be neutral,
To stop Alduin from devouring the honored dead in Sovngarde.
That is the way of the Dovahkiin.

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