Poem Twenty-Five ♬ - Welcome to Halloween

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Happy Halloween, they say.
Just as soon as the night turns from day.
Safety's done,
Loosed are the souls who've gone.

Welcome to Halloween,
Keep your eyes open,
You'll be the one to scream.
Beware, sometimes the claws aren't as scary as the pen.

What was that?
The tail around the corner, was that a cat?
Panicked flaps through the silent night.
What is that, a vampire bat, out of the sun's light?

People and monsters, one and the same.
Watch out, or you'll be playing the game.
Your life's not at stake,
That would be your soul they will take.

Pretend to be one of us,
There is no option, you must.
Unless we could relieve you of your soul, blood?
Oops, your costume just got stained by mud.

Would you join the moonly beast?
The nightly blood feast?
The unlucky black cats?
Or the creepy bats?

By the end of this moonlit night,
You'll be one of us, one to make fright.
Don't worry none, mortal.
We'll just take you through our portal.

We beasts rule, here.
Your path and ours, they are too near.
Into the dark you go,
In the dark you'll stay, no?

Welcome to the night.
Welcome to the fright.
Welcome, humans, to Halloween.
We'll make sure you're the one to scream.

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