Poem Thirteen ♬ - Banner of The Black Cat

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It is he who is born unlucky,
Who finds the greatest gifts in life.
Like the black-furred cat, he is avoided and shunned.
How does he find the greatest gift in life?

You see, he is the black cat.
The cursed animal, the one who brings bad luck.
But those maladies only visit those who believe the nonsese.
If you shaved the cat, and others of different shades,
Wouldn't we all look the same?

And so, I have decided.
I will take up the Banner of the Black Cat.
I will stand out, I will be avoided,
I will be liked for who I am.

I will not dye my fur white to hide the black.
I will not stay in the shadows, where my fur helps best.
I will not cower in fear of those who don't like me.

For I may be "cursed,"
I may be taunted and teased for my fur color,
But you know what?
They who gather under the Banner of the Black Cat,
They are given claws, fangs, and agility, just like the other cats.

We have the same tails,
The same fangs,
The same claws,
So if we look past the fur, we are the same.
Sounds crazy, I know.

But put yourself in our fur?
Would you like it?
We are black cats,
The ninjas in he night
Who carry the Banner of the Black Cat.

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