Poem Fifty-Nine ♬ - Year of Fear (vent poem)

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It was such a foreign thought, concept,
That the happiness could ever be dimmed, except
Now I see it's not,
Being siphoned away slowly from the stress I've got.

But that's not it, either, stress has gotten me down before,
Always knocking ever so loudly at my door,
But my heart, it's never heard,
Only my mind hears more than the songs of birds,

Now love is being taken away, too,
Even though it's always physically as far as the other side of the moon,
But no, it's been banned,
And I'm the last one in that line of command.

The year of fear, I've come up with,
Oh, I wish it was a silly myth,
But it is a nightmare, with little that I can use to escape,
And it's oh-so temporary, there is always someone who calls me away,

I used to not understand why people lost their happiness in time,
Even with stress, my life was happy, I wasn't scared, it worked out like a rhyme.
Sure it was sometimes farfetched, those rhymes, but they worked,
And I was so relieved to hear it from the other side, the problem corked,

But a year of fear, it's trying to fit different stresses in my glass bottles each meant for one problem,
It's going to burst, and it will be salty water that explodes from them.
It's so tiring, this thinking.
Could I have just a moment without worrying?

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July 23, 2017
A vent poem. Bet you guys really wanted to see another one of these, I'm sure. Note the heavy sarcasm.

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