Poem Twelve ♬ - Two Gears

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When I say I love you,
I mean it with all my heart.
I just have one wish:
I wish I could say it more than I text it.

I have known you since 2004.
You have always been my friend,
And you always will be.
Even when now we love each other.

You and I, we are two gears.
Five years have pasted,
And those gears are still turning.
I hope they never stop.

I hope we get lucky.
I wish the rumors would leave us alone,
I know we will never hate the other.
And I am sorry...

Sorry I don't like talking about myself?
Seems the tables have turned, my friend!
I'm quiet, you're the talkative one,
But I'm okay with that.

Is it selfish to talk about myself?
Is it not?
I don't see it that way for others,
But for me? The spotlight isn't for me, though.

I still try, even though it feels weird.
The center of attention feels bad when it's me.
Other people, though, it couldn't seem more normal to me.
Is that why I turned to poetry?

My friend.
I love you, and I know you love me back.
Never once did I seriously doubt your loyalty.
Eleven years of trust, of friendship.

You're okay with my rumor-avoiding method,
Keeping us on the "down-low" to avoid it.
Yet, we can't talk in person,
I can't hold your hand, nor say "I love you" to your face as much.

But you know what?
In the long run,
I will regret absolutely nothing.
Being your friend is worth it, and having your love makes it ten times more so.

Because, when we do meet up,
When we talk in person,
I fall in love all over again and remember.
I remember why I love you.

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