Poem Nine ♬ - Loyalty

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When everything turns,
Turning away from your trust,
There is always a friend in the mist.
It goes beyond death.

Remember back to the good old days,
When friend and foe were opposites.
Those days are long gone now.
Now everyone's an actor.

Yet, one becon, one signal of light.
It will shine through the mist of deception
Never to be dampened nor darkened.
Never to be lost, even when death strikes it.

It gives strength,
Lends a hand,
Restores hope,
And carries determination for victory.

It is without bannor, color, faction.
Many a time it's been turned away,
Many more the light turns from the good of green of the wrong of red.
Other times it retains the blue of bystanders.

What is this, this potion of poison?
What is it, the healing pain?
This destroying builder...
This killing creator...

There is but one word, and one word only.
There is only one thing that can heal just as well harm.
It is created from the worst of betrayal,
The dual-faced.

For when it comes from one, it is, inheritly, the opposite.
The opposite of the worst betrayal,
That is the determination of life and death.
The difference between safe and S.O.L.

The best loyalty,
That is the worst betrayal's enemy.
Even though, one often creates the other,
They are the strongest forces when everything is going down.

Who to trust?
Who will betray?
You may think you know, you may not even know if you will betray,
But the test comes in the fire of desperation.

Dogs are the most loyal creature,
And cats are largely independent if the need arises.
Both are hidden by humans masks.
When the time comes, watch what you choose.

If you are the outlier,
The loyal cat, the independent dog,
That loyalty you may hold...

...It will last as long as you are worthy of it.
Betrayal can taint loyalty,
Just as loyalty can taint betrayal and indepenence.
All lasting in memories after any death, after any event.

Weird poem is weird. Not too sure what I wrote, I originally wanted it to be about mostly loyalty with betrayal somewhat in, but I don't know what this is now. It feels ominous and depressing to me.

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