Poem Twenty-One ♬ - The Rhyming Vent (1)

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I think this is a vent poem... It is sort of depressing, but if you really want to read it... I don't know if there will be others...

Everything is moving so fast,
My head and heart are stuck in the past.
Was that a rhyme?
Nevermind, I'm out of time.

One thing leads to the next, and everything after that.
I can't stay, I have to go, I've somewhere to be at.
I'm being torn away from everything, to face something new,
But I have to ask: What is it I have to do?!

I'm lost! I'm gone!
Where am I? What has to be done?
The wind, it's too strong.
Did I chose something wrong?

I'm in the midst of chaos, now.
Where am I, and how?
It's moving too quick, too swift,
And everything can easily shift.

Life is winning, and I am losing this fight,
Even as I rebel with all my might.
During the day, I am lost with the sun's light,
But I am sane come the night.

Everything is a big spiral, being spun.
Amidst this, I try to have fun,
Do what I've got to do,
And keep my commitments to you. (My followers)

Am I a jugler? Well, I'm bad!
Sometimes it's too hard to even get mad,
Instead I get scared, afraid,
I cannot get out of the mess I've made.

I hide myself in my fantasy,
In my insanity,
I hide within my head.
I hide here, there, before life and stress make me dead.

Music is an escape route.
So is role playing, just about.
Time is of the essence,
But to me, it seems, has no presence.

Slipping through my fingers, through my grip,
Something makes me trip, slip.
But there are friends, here.
They help me through there.

But, oh,
To the new stresses, I say hello.
Trapped again, the cycle restarts, rewinds.
I just hope I don't let insanity invade my deepest mind.

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