Poem Fifty-Five - ♬ The Last Time

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I have been
In that layered room
A long time, then
I realized time flew by.

I may cry for the unknown,
But I will smile with tears
When I leave what I know.

It has meant so much to me,
So much as to teach me,
To shape me,
To help me grow.

"Everything you learn in this room
Can be used in the real world."
I never doubted it.
I've already learned so much.

That room saw my heart change hands,
It saw me when I was scared and when I was brave,
It saw me always thinking,
It saw the tears I've cried on the inside,
Once I realized this is the last time.

Even when I hated a song for being hard,
I cherished it, because I also knew it would sound amazing.

Even when I wasn't feeling right,
The room took away my negativity
And replaced it with the living colors.

It saw me try something harder and new,
And heard me as I messed up.
It heard me offer to be what I thought I would be.

It saw me grow, this last time.
Because I learned more
Even though I am nervous.
It saw me be nervous, too.

And I have been sad,
I have been proud,
I have been excited,
But I never was regretful.

Nov. 9, 2016

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