Poem Fourty-Six ♬ - Song of Seperation

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Cutting the fat from my life
Hasn't left me paralyzed.
It's actually left me feeling alive.
Why couldn't I have done this before tonight?

This has changed me,
Made me more of who I want to be.
I know what it is to be free,
And to who I've really given my loyalty.

For once, I've got control of the knife,
Cutting away the fat from my life
No more will I get tangled in strife
That has absolutely nothing to do with my life!

For once I don't have to care
About what is over there,
Their problems aren't always mine to share.
This isn't my nightmare.

I can bear it, let it go,
Myself no longer putting on the show
That makes it seem like I do care, I did, but no
Thanks to the new friends I've made, I know exactly where to go.

Even though it's been a few years,
I now don't hold them so dear.
I don't give them my fake or even real fear
Nor have I shared with them my saddest tears.

Unfortunately, I'm still considered "one of them,"
Trying to undo the hem
Of what had made us meet, then,
But I wouldn't so it once again.

This was made in the early summer/late spring, and for a while it showed nothing, so I didn't want to post it. Now, suddenly, I check and it's all back, and I remember writing this. I didn't post it originally because I didn't think it was done, but I think it is, now. August 22, 2016.

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