Poem Forty-Five ♬ - Isles

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You and I,
We float on Isles, side by side.

A few times, the fog hid you
From my view.

But I never thought you were gone,
And I never truly mourned for you, that someone.

Now, however,
Our Isles are separating, and I hope not forever.

I will never stop loving you,
And the ways I can love you are two.

You are my rainbow in my rain,
And what goes blank is my brain,
When I see you in person.

You have come back from the fog,
But I see two paths ahead of us,
And I can't follow you down yours.

I thought I would cry, but no,
Instead I gave you a smile that was no show.
We have time before our paths split, before you go.
I just wanted to let you know

How much I cherish you,
How much I love you.

How much I thank God today,
For moving me eighteen hours away.

Away from where I was far away.
I am happy I am able to know you, today.

Thank you for putting up with me,
There is no where else I'd rather be.

Good luck floating on your Isle,
And wish me luck as I float on mine.

June 6, 2016

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