Poem Forty-One ♬ - Sometimes

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Sometimes, the sky rains when the world seems happy.
Other moments, the sky lets the sun shine, even if it isn't.

Sometimes, life is like Jenga
As one piece is removed, everything tumbles down.

Sometimes, the weather is like emotions.
The sky cries it's tears, it's smile shines.

The ground feels the turmoil.
The ancient roots of trees see.

The animals follow the unpredictable patterns
As we follow our lives.

Sometimes the fury of fire engulfs it's peaceful trees,
Other times, new life grows, like memories, either poison or sweet.

Although, this planet is alone.
No other to share the strife or happiness with.

Nothing speaks it's language,
Nothing understands it's feelings or thoughts.

It has watched for millennia it feels,
Even though it was never really alive.

Sometimes, weather is like emotions.
There is nothing quite as beautiful.
There is nothing quite as devastating.

April 18, 2016
More venting.

The Rhythmic, Blue CatΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα