Poem Forty-Seven ♬ -- What I Whisper Into The Night

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Thank you very much, my friend,
For showing me something I have to fix, again.
I don't take it as offense,
For I have a good defense,
And I thank you, even if we aren't together in the end.

You didn't shatter my heart,
You've only returned it in one part,
And with no malice,
And me retaining most of my balance,
You opened my eyes to a problem I didn't realize I had started.

You didn't do it to hurt me,
And I hope you didn't think that, you see,
For I've felt tension rising,
Though that might be my mind surprising,
If a friend to you is my destiny, then that is what I'll be.

I love you so very much,
And many times I've expressed as such,
Unknowingly pushing it away,
But I will be here until my last day,
At least a friend, always in touch.

I let the knowledge settle,
Set to boil as if in a kettle,
Not out of anger nor hate, though,
For I harbor no hatred for you, no,
Even though I see this problem is probably very little.

Now, I see, nothing has changed,
It's only been rearanged,
And as the wish I whisper into the night,
Only to be remembered in the morning's light,
Hope is the only thread by which it will hang.

July 5, 2016

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