Poem Forty-Four ♬ - The Heart

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One of you I met,
When I was still young, yet.

Another I met later, though
I'm glad I got the chance to never let you go.

The third was only recent,
As if I've gone complacent.

But I know exactly who to trust,
And this will not be left to rust.

You two, I would love as sisters,
The other, I would love you as a brother.

I have never told this secret
But I feel as if time is running out for me to tell it.

You three have opened my eyes,
And I hope never utter final good-byes, but

I know life is out of our control.
After all, we are only mortal.

So let me express my love and my trust to you,
Even though this won't been seen for a long time by you.

May 11, 2016

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