Poem Thirty-Four ♬ - The Storm

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Within the emotional calm,
There is always the unsettling qualm.
The thought I thought I had,
The action was far from the dream that made me glad.

When the realization hit,
So did the emotional fit.
Gone was my composure,
My hopeful action retained no closure.

Can't rid the myself of the fear,
Even thought it wasn't here.
The shame I was delt,
How ashamed I felt.

It is primitive emotion,
The only way to describe the internal comotion.
If not for the anger I directed at me,
It would still be there, for none to see.

Just something I wanted to write. This would have described me so well three days ago, Jan. 8, 2016. Also, I'm going to start dating these poems. I want to remember when they were written.

I wish I had another poem for you guys, it has so much feels in it, but it is far too personal, meant for one person. Plus, it would give away my gender ;) We can't have that, now, can we?

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