Poem Twenty-Three - ♬ What I Would Do

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What would I go through?
What would I bear?
What would I do,
If only to keep you safe?

Who would I betray?
Who would I deny?
With who would I start a fray,
If only to get to you?

What would be my paying price?
What would be the limit?
What would I sacrifice?
If only to keep you near...

I would fight,
I would lay down my life,
I would do anything,
Anything to keep you alive.

You mean the world to me.
Only God stands above,
And I'm sure He is the only one who sees as I do.
You are one of the things I would die for.

You, who changed me.
You, who is a part of me.
You, who I trust fully.
No one can convince me of betrayal from you.

He who hurts you,
Insults you,
He hurts me,
Insults me, too.

I can never hate you.
I will forever love you.
For we share flesh and blood.
We are one, yet two.

What would I do,
If you were to fall?
If you were to bear pain?
What would I do?

I fear for you.
I would feel your pain,
Feel your fear
Wish it happened to me, not you.

This is what I would do.
This is what I would do, for you, my brother.

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