Part 5- Wolf Pup

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Me and Rain go through the sidewalk of the town carrying shopping bags... Well me. Being a wife she asks me to carry the bags so I am, it's like a boyfriend carrying their girlfriends stuff.

" I can't believe you bought all this clothes ". I said lifting up the bags that go through my forearms. She laughs " I'm still a girl, and girls shop for things unlike you ". She said and I smirk.

" I can be a girl if I wanted to but when it comes to clothes I am a boy. If you want to shop with someone shop with Mason ". I said and she laughed.

" Mason can be feminine? ". She asks and I nod. " Yeah, when we were four I would always wear boy clothes and he would wear girl clothes. Mason can be very feminine ". I said and we laughed.

" I only want to shop with you but I'll think about it. Plus when you carry all that bags it shows off your muscles ". She said touching my bicep and I smirk.

" My pleasure Ma lady ". I said winking at her and she blushed. We pass an alleyway and I heard a pained whine making me stop.

Rain stopped to and I froze on the stop. " What is it? ". She asked looking at me. I look towards the alleyway then rain " Someone's in pain ". I simply said and turned to walk down the alleyway.

She looked at me worryingly and followed me. I walk quietly and I look around the trash and jump when I saw a wolf pup.

Rain saw to and she gasped " Oh no! ". She said then walked forward and kneeled down. It's a runt white wolf pup.

Its foot was caught under a full trash and it was in pain. " Ariel. Take the trash off ". She said turning to me and I gulp nervously.

She got up and walked to me. She put her hands on my cheeks and I look down at her " You can do this. There is no reason to be afraid... ". She said softly and I look at the pup then rain.

" A-are you s-sure? ". I said unsure and she nodded. Rain looked over her shoulder then me " She's just a pup. She won't hurt you ". She said softly and I put the shopping bags down.

She smiled at me and I felt a little better. I look at the pup and slowly walk to it. It looked at me and I saw the pain in its eyes.

I take a hold of the trash can's handles and lift it up and move it to the side. I grunt putting it down and rain went down and examined the pups leg.

She's a veteran in a animals hospital back in California. So she knows how to handle injuries at every animal.

" Her leg is broken... And shes only 7 months I believe. And shes a runt obviously ". She explained and I slowly kneel down next to her.

She grabbed my hand and I look at her scared but she looked at me lovingly " Trust me ". She said softly and I nod slowly.

She guided my hand slowly towards the pup, and the pup whimpered. I touched the wolfs fur and it was very soft and silky. The pup sniffed my hand then licked it.

My expression softened and I slowly stroke the pups fur. " I'm sorry little one ". I said and the pup whimpered again.

" You did it! ". Rain said excitedly and kissed my cheek. I smiled and slowly picked up the pup without touching her leg.

Back in California rain suggested I took psychological meetings and it helped with my fear of dogs. I mostly petted small dogs but I'm still scared of big dogs.

The pup licks my cheek and I smile. " She likes me ". I said then the pup snuggled into my chest as I cradle her.

" We should take her to a vet. You take the bags home and I will take her ". She said and I nodded. " Can I name her? ". I ask and she smiles and nods.

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