Part 6- The Girlish Scream Ever

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Darling came out in her new red cast after an hour I was sitting there. The doctor gave her, her shots already. He even gave Darling a bath.

" I really hope Mason won't freak out ". I said walking down the sidewalk. It's almost sunset and they're all probably worried about me.

Darling was sleeping in my arms and I loved how quiet it was on my walk home. Eventually I arrived at home and I walk up the driveway then the porch steps.

I stop and use my right arm to get my house keys. Darling stirs and I stick my tongue out and put in the key.

I open the door holding darling in one hand. She whines and I look up to see everyone staring at me, but Mason with a terrified face.

" OH MY GOD!! ". He screamed then ran up the stairs. That was the most girlish scream ever, but a boy scream and girl scream don't exist. Its just really high-pitched.

" Damn it ". I said then take out the key and close the door. " Puppy! ". Ruby said running to me and petting darling.

Darling grumbled and I smile " It's not a puppy. She's a wolf pup. And her name is Darling ". I said and Ruby squealed " SO CUTE! ". She said and I laugh.

I walk into the kitchen and place Darling on the island counter. I look towards Mikasa and Annie and they were staring at me shocked.

" What? ". I said confused and darling sniffed around but stayed seated. " Your not... Scared? ". Mikasa said and I now realize why they are looking at me like that.

" I took therapy, which rain suggested and it helped. But I can only deal with small dogs ". I said with a nod and they look at darling.

" What happened? ". Yang asked walking up to the counter next to me with Ruby and Weiss. " Trash can was on her leg and I heard her in an alley way ". I said and yang petted darling on the head.

" It's so... CUTE!!! ". Weiss squealed surprising us all. Rain and Andy must be upstairs calming down Mason.

" What is happening? ". Yang whispered " I have no idea ". I whispered back and we look at each other then Weiss who is now stroking and admiring Darling.

" Her eyes! There so cool! ". She said excited and I look at Ruby who is staring at Weiss with shock and disbelief.

I look over her head and I saw Blake reading a book. " Blake! Come on and see Darling! ". I called out but she looked up and gave me the coldest glare.

I yelp and hid behind yang. " Calm down your girlfriend ". I said and she turned to me on that " What! She's not my girlfriend! ". She said blushing and I put on a deadpan expression.

" Are you fucking serious ". I said and roll my eyes. I look at Blake and she had the book more close to her face. " I swear to god you two are unbelievable ". I said then shake my head.

" Wait... What is going on? ". Ruby said oblivious and I face palm. Darling whined putting a paw over her about.

I laugh " Even Darling knows about this ". I said and yang walked away blushing and Weiss smacked Ruby in the back of the head.

" You dunce! You don't get anything! ". She yelled and Ruby whined rubbing the back of her head. " Owie... ". She said and I laugh.

" Here ". Annie said suddenly then threw a pack of raw meat across the island. " I just cleaned this! ". Mikasa yelled and Annie smiled sheepishly at her.

" Thanks and sorry ". I said then turn around and open a drawer to take out a cloth. I turn around and place it on the counter then put the meat ontop.

" Make sure not to spill anything. We'll be outside ". Mikasa said then glared at Annie then grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside.

She looked at me with pleading eyes but I innocently waved at her. She flipped me off before the backdoor closed.

" Did darling get her shots? ". Weiss asked and I nod opening the pack. " Yup. The vet even gave her a bath ". I said and she smiled looking at darling.

Her white fur shines a lot and her right black leg stands out of her fur. Her eyes stood out to.

I take out a piece of small meat and walk to darling. Weiss stopped petting her and I lift up the meat up to her about.

She sniffed it then grabbed it from my hands. I smiled as she carefully laid down and took tiny bites from the meat.

" Watch over her ". I said and Weiss nodded. I walk around past her and upstairs. I walk to masons room and stand Infront of the closed bedroom door.

" Mason? ". I said knocking softly. I heard movement then footsteps. It stopped Infront of the door and I heard a sniffle.

" Why was that here?.... And why were you carrying it ". Mason said his voice small. I frown " She was hurt, I had to help ". I said then silence.

" A-aren't you afraid? ". She whispered and I can tell he put his forehead on the door. I do the same closing my eyes " Yes. I am still afraid but I have been getting help and it's all thanks to rain. Small dogs don't scare me but big ones do ". I said putting my hand on the door.

" Say something so I can trust you on the wolf ". He said and I sigh blissfully. I tap my index finger once then ring finger. I do it two times and then I heard nothing.

The door opened and stood Infront of me is a red eyed Mason. I smile and he goes forward and hugs me. I hug back and I saw Andy on the bed watching.

I smile and he smiled back. I pulled away and I wipe away the tears from his cheeks " Come on ". I said softly then took his hand and lead him out the room and downstairs.

Yang, Blake, and Ruby were in the living room playing video games but only Blake was watching. I lead Mason to where Weiss is petting Darling sitting on the high chair.

I look at Mason and he looks nervous. I walk around around Weiss and stood Infront of the counter. " Oh, hey. Darling finished the meat ". Weiss said and I nod.

Darling sees me and her tails wags wobbling over to me. I chuckle and reach out my hand to pet her. Her stomach looks bigger, probably because of the meat.

" See. Nothing to be scared about ". I said looking at Mason and he lets out a shaky breath. I lift up my left arm, the one holding his hand.

I put my hand over his and put her hand close to darling. Darling sniffs his hand then licks it, nuzzling her head in his palm.

" She likes you ". I said and Mason looked relieved. I let go of his hand and he slowly pets her. " Wow ". He said amazed and I smile.

" DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!! ". Ruby yelled and me and Mason laugh. Weiss got up from her chair and went over to Ruby slapping her head.

" YOU DUNCE! DONT SAY BAD WORDS IDIOT!!! ". She yelled at Ruby and yang was laughing her ass off. Blake even laughed too, lowering her book.

" Today was a good day ".

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