Part 15- The Fight

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I sit on the couch watching TV flicking through each channel to find something interesting. Ruby and Weiss were in their room and the twins were in the kitchen with Lily.

Blake and Yang haven't been around in a while. I bet they have been going on in dates since I can already tell they started dating.

I stop at the news channel and that's when Mikasa walked in the house. She was holding a bag of new art supplies and paint.

" Hey Minnie ". I said and she smiled and put the bags on the other couch. " There has been a murder case in apartments 12 and 14. One of the family's daughter came home and saw her siblings and parents hanged on the wall ".

The news reported said catching our attention. I furrow my brows. What a cruel way to murder someone, I don't regret it when I did it. " Damn. Who would do such a thing ". Mikasa said and I sigh.

" Probably a dude who hated them. They probably regret it... ". I said and she looked at me weirdly. " Why do you say that? ". She asked confused.

" Because they might actually liked them but since they wanted revenge they were blinded by hatred ". I said firmly and she looked down at her feet.

" Do you regret it?.... ". She said quietly and I look at her. Shes remembering the day that I killed Adam because he was being a bastard and humiliated Mikasa.

" No ". I said plainly and I heard her breath hitch. " How can you say that! ". She said raising her voice. I got off the couch and stood up.

" Because I don't regret it. It's as simple as that ". I said plainly and she looked shocked. " Just because he did that, it didn't mean you had to kill him! ". She yelled and I stayed unfazed.

" He was a weak excuse for a human. He deserved it ". I said and she stepped closer to me. " So it's okay to just kill your own species? It's okay for killing a person because they ' deserve it ' ". She said using air quotations.

"  If they deserve it then yes. There was no way I would just let him do that to you! ". I said raising my voice a little. I got a bad feeling about this....

" I bet you got that from your insane father! I bet it runs in the family! ". She yelled but then I saw her eyes go big in realisation. Now that was over the line....

" Of course it is. All my life it was all about him. He made me kill dogs even cats to show me what weakness was! Yeah I kill! But it's all I've ever known about!!! ". I yell loudly and her expression turned into anger quickly.

" So it's natural then? Like how the military police would kidnap innocent people and kill them! ". She yelled and I grit my teeth. " Don't you dare talk about the military police like that!! That was years ago! ". I spat, now getting pissed.

" But you still did it!! The bodies are still there and you guys act like its nothing!! ". She retorted and I glare at her. " So what! It's just a reminder of what we did ". I yelled now clenching my fists.

" The military police is nothing but a bunch of people selling drugs and illegal weapons. It's not even important! ". She yelled and I grit my teeth again.

" SHUT UP! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT OUR HISTORY! ". I yelled even more loudly. " Like I need to. It's pathetic! Your pathetic! Your whole family is pathetic! ". She yelled clenching her fists and I step closer.

" YOU DONT KNOW A THING ABOUT BEING IN A FAMILY! THEY ALL JUST DIE AND LEAVE! ". I yelled and I saw a flash of hurt go through her eyes.

" STOP IT! You don't even understand! The only one who died was your MOM! ". She yelled now her eyes were teary. I frown, that subject is always sensitive to me.


I didn't know what came over me. All I heard was a loud slap then silence. My angry expression slowly turning into a realisation that I just slapped my wife.

I just slapped my wife. Oh my god.

My eyes go as wide as dinner plates and I saw tears trail down her eyes. " Oh my god ". I said my voice barely even audible.

" M-Minnie?... ". I said quietly lifting my arm but she slapped my arm away. She looked at me and I could see the mark I did on her cheek.

" Don't. Touch. Me ".  She said slowly and I held in my breath. She then ran out the room and out the back door.

I look and saw the twins, Ruby and Weiss looking at me and I frown. I fell to my knees and I held my head between my hands.

" GODDAMNIT!! ". I scream out now letting the tears fall out my eyes. " No! No! No! NO! ". I scream out letting out a choked sob.

My heart was quickening and I felt my hands shake. I cry out shaking my head feeling absolutely horrible. If there's anything I regret, it's hitting her.

" Teacher? ". I heard Lily's small voice and I look up and saw lily Infront of me with a sad look. " W-what? ". I said then hiccuped.

" Why did you hit Miss Mikasa? ". She asked and my lip quivers. " I don't know ". I said my voice above a whisper. She then walked up and slowly hugged me.

" You hurt her, teacher. But I know this hurts you more ". She said with a soft voice and I hiccup again. How can a 5 year old understand that?

I lean back now sitting down and I hug her back, crying. My body racking with sobs. I hiccup more and I duck my head down.

I let go of lily not wanting to crush her. She pulled back and smiled at me. She then reached out her small hand to my face and tried to wipe away the tears.

I don't deserve to be smiled at by a cute five year old. I don't deserve this.

" Mom always said that crying shows weakness. But mommy always told her it's because you've been strong for to long. How long have you've been strong for? ". She said with a small smile and I hiccup again.

How is this girl so smart but she doesn't know it?

" T-too long ". I said my voice faltering and she reached out for my hand and I lift up the hand I used to slap her. She grabbed it and my hand was a bit red.

" Say sowwy or else she won't forgive you ". She said then used both her hands to lift my hand and kissed the back of my hand then smiled.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I held and I hiccup again. I look up and the twins and Weiss were gone and only Ruby was there.

What have I done...

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