Part 31- I need her

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Me, Mason, Annie, Eren, Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt are chained to the floor side by side. Panting deep with our heads lowered. The pain... The suffering... The torture...

Is this all what we've become now? Lab rats for a manic who wants to have more power than he already has. Just so our love ones don't suffer...

How long has it been? I can't remember. It's been so long since we have seen light, the sun. We've been in the dark for god knows how long.

When's the last time we ate? We drank? We bathed? All the simple things, everyday people do are now questions to us. And that's not healthy.

" That's all for today. Release them and make sure they get their meals, were not savages ". The ' Kings ' voice erupted into the room and I slowly blink.

The chains on our arms and ankles break apart making it clank against the floor. I lift my head and rub my wrists. I felt weak and exhausted.

The rest collapsed but me and Mason were still on our knee's. I look at Mason and he was slowly rubbing his wrists. Bags were visible under his eyes and droopy.

All our eyes looked like that. Lack of sleep is one of the manic's experiments. We only sleep for one hour each day. Visible marks on our bodies from all the experiments.

We were semi nude. Clothes covering our private parts ( for the guys ) and chest ( for the girls ), which felt like we were tested animals.

Footsteps can be heard and I look up. A man with normal clothes with brown hair and dark blue eyes walked to us holding a big pot.

Another man following him with bowls and tray's. " Hey guys... I made beef stew. Another one of my assistants is preparing the drinks ". He said with a gentle voice.

I think his name was Derek, I saw a name tag on him once and that's what it said. He's the only nice one in this torture chamber.

The man behind him put trays Infront of us along with the white bowls. It even had our first Initials. " How are you doing? ". He asked setting down his pot.

" H-horrible ". Mason answered, his voice dry and raspy. " Poor thing... I regret working here, I really do ". He said sadly and I take in a deep breath.

He opened his pot and the scent of beef, beans, vegetables, and potatoes filled the air. I inhale the smell and smile. And that seemed to wake up the others.

" You like it! Glad! ". He said with a clap. I nod and he poured in the stew in our bowls. " Took me an hour but it was worth it. My assistant will be here shortly, if you need anything just whistle ". He said and we nod.

The man that was following him placed forks and spoons on our trays. " Food... ". Reiner croaked. The others were slowly crawling to their food hungrily.

The thing about starvation is that you don't want to eat too quick or over do it. Your stomach won't be able to handle that much food and you will die.

I picked up my spoon and finger it with my thumb. Silver... It feels weird. The days we've been in here, the last time I picked up a silver spoon or fork seems like a faint memory....

- 10 minutes of eating later -

I put my spoon down swallowing the last piece of beef. Me and Mason were eating normally while the others basically wolfed down their food.

" That.. Was amazing ". Eren said and I finish the last of my water. The cold water going down my throat and I can feel it go down my stomach.

" Agreed ". Ymir said softly and I put down my cup. Annie was laying across my lap and I sigh. " You okay Mason? ". I ask and he nods.

Mason puts his head on my shoulder and I put mine on his. I look down at Annie and she had her eyes closed. She fell asleep right after she finished eating.

" Why did you tell them that we were Titan Shifters? ". Reiner said and I look up. He was sitting up with Bert sleeping on his shoulder.

" I thought you guys already told each other ". I said honestly and they shake their heads. " How did you know in the first place? ". Ymir said and I furrow my brows.

" Steam ". I said plainly. " What? ". They said in unison. " Yeah, steam. When we would go out as a family and either of you would get hurt, I would see steam ". I said softly.

They look at me like I had three heads and I roll my eyes. " It was obvious ". Mason muttered and I nod. " The others didn't see it but me and Mason saw it ". I said yawning.

They were to speechless to talk and I blink. I heard whimpering and I look down at Annie. She was shaking and her eyebrows were furrowed.

" Ann- "

" MIKASA! ". She screamed bolting up waking up Bert and making me and Mason jump. She sat up looking around frantically with wide eyes.

" Mikasa... ". She whispered and I frown. I saw the tears forming in her eyes and she covers half of her face with her hand. She yelled out, tears streaming down her face.

It broke my heart seeing this. Being away from Mikasa this long takes a toll on Annie. They need each other. It's like living in a place where there's no air. You need air to breath.

Despite their differences... They can't live without knowing the other is alive or not. It tears them apart little by little... Brick by brick.

She let out a choked sob and raised her head. " MIKASA! ". She screamed out, her hands clenching into fists. She screamed more, letting out cries, sobs and curses.

Reiner and Bert went to her side and tried to calm her down. I look at Mason and he had his head down, crying softly. I caught Ymir and Eren's gaze and I shake my head.

" We need them... I need her ".

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