Part 11- WhiteRose

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Have you ever just laid in the grass under the shade and it feels so nice that you wanna stay there? Mmmm... You should try it.

I lay in the grass staring up at the trees. The nice breeze going through my hair, sun patches here and there. I didn't have anything to do today so I decided to just enjoy the outside world.

It's so quiet... The sounds of crickets and birds scattered around. Sounds of overlapping conversation throughout the neighborhood and cars zooming by.

I smile liking the feeling of the grass through my fingertips. I wonder if Weiss would like this.... Probably.

I have been with her for three years. We've started dating when I was 15 and she was 17. Those three years have been amazing.... I got to see so many sides of Weiss I fell harder for her.

I'm the one who said I love you first and I'm gonna be the one who says the four words and kneels down on one knee. Yes, I plan on marrying her.

I close my eyes letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I don't get it, were outrun by technology that we don't enjoy nature as much.

I wonder if dinosaurs enjoyed the stars since there was no light pollution, or were they just being dinosaurs?

I heard the backdoor open and I kept my eyes closed. I didn't care who it was as long as they don't make me go back into the house.

Footsteps go across the patio and down the steps. They inch closer and closer and then come to a stop next to me. I peek open a eye and I see Weiss looking down at me.

" Yes ". I said opening my other eye. She wore spandex shorts and one of my Red T-shirts with the assassins creed logo on it.

" I was looking for you. Annie said you were out here ". She said and I smile. " Well, you found me! ". I said lifting up my arms then let them fall back down.

" What are you doing? ". She asked and I smirk " Just enjoying the outside world. Wanna join me? ". I ask and she looks around then at me.

" Sure ". She said and lays down beside me. I move my arms and put my hands over my head. We stay in a comfortable silence staring up at the trees.

" Hey Ruby? ". She asked and I look at her. She was playing with her fingers and her cheeks were a tint of pink.

" Yes? ". I said smiling a little. She gets so flustered easily. " Can I lay on you? ". She asked in a small voice and I let out a chuckle.

" Of course. You don't have to ask ". I said and she was hesitant at first before moving and laying on top of me.

She put her head on my chest and I move my arms and wrap them around her. Usually I'm on top and she's the bottom.
* Wink *

" Hey Ruby? ". She said and I sigh " Yes ". I said softly and she lifted her head to look at me. Her face hovered mine and I stare into her eyes.

" Tell me one thing you like about me ". She said and I smirk " Your Beautiful, inside and out ". I said with a smile and she blushed.

" Can I kiss you? ". I ask and she furrowed her brows. " You don't have to ask, you dolt ". She said and I let out a chuckle before leaning forward and kissing her.

I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. Her lips taste like mint and her lips are so soft and plump. She cupped my face and I smile into the kiss.

When I pull away her face was still close to me that the tip of our noses were touching. I can feel her breath on mine and I smile.

" Your so cute ". I said and she got flustered and hid her face in the crook of my neck. I chuckle and take her hands into mine. I put my arms straight out and intertwine my fingers into hers.

" What are you doing to me Ruby ". She mumbled and I smile. " What I'm doing, is loving you ". I said softly and I felt her smile against my neck.

We stay in comfortable silence afterwards and she rubs her bare foot against my shin. I put my cheek on her head and block out any noise and focus on her heartbeat.

I close my eyes and I heard her breathing get slower and slower and her heart at a slow pace. She fell asleep. I smile and let myself go into a deep slumber.


I open my eyes and see that I'm in a destroyed building. I look down and I had crescent rose in my hand and I had blood all over my combat clothes.

" Ruby! ". I heard Weiss yell and I furrow my brows " Weiss! ". I called out running toward her voice. The closer I get the more I see Weiss. But...

Her wrists were chained and raised up in the air and her clothes were ripped. " Weiss!! ". I yell running faster putting crescent rose behind my back.

" Ruby- ". She yelled but stopped. I froze stopping a few yards away from her. My eyes widen as I see a blade go through her stomach.

My heart pounds in my ears and I felt like I couldn't move. A dark figure appears in the light and it was....


End of Dreamland.

" WEISS!! ". I bolt up sitting up waking Weiss. I breath heavy, sweat going down my face. I look around frantically then I felt two hands on my cheeks.

I look at Weiss and it was sunset, almost dark. She looked at me concerned and I frown. " Your ok ". I whisper hugging her and she hugs me back.

" What happened? ". She asked softly and I felt a few tears falling. " Y-you were... K-killed ". I said my voice breaking. My body now racks with sobs and she rubs circles on my back.

" It's okay... It's okay ". She said softly and I lift my head to be face to face with her. She smiled softly at me and wiped away my tears with her thumbs.

I sniffle and she kisses the corner of my lips. " It was just a dream. I'm here, okay? ". She whispered and I nod. I hug her again putting my face in her shoulder.

" I will always be here, no matter what ".

Was it just a dream though?

A/N: I'm so fricken stupid. The photo was in my gallery the whole damn time... -_-

Stay... Fabulous

~ Drwalf

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