Part 16- Apology

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When you are angry you let all the stress and emotions out of you. Even nice people have their limits. And when there is anger, there is always pain underneath.

It's been days since I have been sleeping in me and Annie's treehouse. It hurts to much to go back.... But it hurts to much to be alone.

Ariel and Mason have brought me what I need and food. They're even mad at Annie and I can understand that. They keep telling me that she has been locked in her room ever since that day.

I feel bad... I know that her mom is a sensitive subject for her. And I shouldn't have insulted her family or the military police...

I'm so stupid!

I lay in my bed, curled into a ball. I was hugging my knees and I had my eyes closed. It was dark in here, the only source of light is the moon.

I open my eyes letting out a shakey breath. The Teddy bear that Annie gave me on our first date was sitting on my nightstand. It was worn since I've keep it over the years but the Red 'M' sewn into it was still bright.

I didn't notice I was crying until my vision was blurred. I shut my eyes now feeling myself shake. I shift my face into the pillow and cry into it.

I'm now sobbing into my pillow and I clutch at the sheets. I was only in my underwear with one of Annie's T-Shirts and I suddenly felt cold.

I shiver letting out a choked sob moving my head so I'm at least breathing right. I didn't want to open my eyes, i didn't want to look at the bear and remember.

I suddenly felt the bed sink beside me and I stopped crying. I sniffle and I slowly open my eyes, my vision still blurred.

My breath hitched when I saw Annie looking at me. I couldn't see that well but I could tell she had been crying to. I shift so my back is toward her.

I can't look at her. I can't get this pain out of me. I can't...

" I'm sorry ". She started and I clutch at my pillow. " I was an idiot and I let my emotions get out of hand. Lily even gave me a small speech that made me think about all this ". She said and my lip quivers.

" Ruby was the only one who talked to me. Weiss and the twins just ignored me but I couldn't blame them. Yang and Blake came two days ago and I was just alone in my room all day, having a talk with Blake ". She said and I felt more tears fall down my face.

" She even smacked me in the head but still talked to me. Yang... Don't even get me started on that ". She said and I let out a shakey breath holding in the sobs.

" I regret what I did. I could never forgive myself for what I did and even if you forgave me. It will still haunt me ". She said softly and I shiver more.

" Are you cold? ". She asked and I whimper. " Y-yes ". I stuttered then I heard the sheets shift and her arms wrap around me.

I froze from the touch but nonetheless felt warm. " Do you forgive me? ". She said quietly and I whimper again biting my lip.

I couldn't hold it in and turned around hugging her sobbing into her chest. I clutch at her torso and cried loudly.

" I-I can't hold it in a-anymore! I-it hurts! ". I said through sobs and she pulled me in closer. " I know it does ". She whispered and I can sense the pain in her voice.

" I-I cant stand not b-being next to you! I-I need you! I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so so sorry! ". I said into her shirt crying even more. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

" Me to ". She said her voice breaking and I looked up and she was crying to. It's rare for Annie to cry, which makes it even more painful to see her like this.

I frown sniffling then put my hand on her cheek. I caressed her cheek and she cried even more. I place my head in the crook of her neck and we both held each other.

Annie's crying calmed down minutes later and now we're both surrounded by silence. I sigh feeling tired, rubbing my foot against her bare shin.

" I love you ". She whispered and I smile softly. I softly place a kiss on her neck and snuggle into her more " I love you to... ". I said then we both fell into a deep sleep.

... ... ...

I flutter my eyes open, waking up. I take in a breath, smiling softly smelling Vanilla. " Mmmm... ". I hummed then I finally open my eyes fully.

I saw nothing but a bare neck and blonde hair. My eyes widen and I scream pushing away making her jolt awake.

" Don't eat my food! ". She yelled suddenly sitting up looking around frantically. I breath heavy and we both look at each other.

She then sighed relived and rubbed her eyes. " I was having a dream about a Titan almost eating my food... ". She said and I chuckle at her dry sense of humour.

It felt good to laugh and I went over to sit on her lap. She looked up at me and I put my arms around her neck.

" I missed you ". I said and she smiled putting her arms lazily around my waist. " I missed you to ". She said and I smile then go forward and crash my lips into hers.

The kiss is slow and gentle and I smile through the kiss. It was passionate and I admit, I missed her kisses.

I gasp when she squeezes my butt making me pull away. She laughed and I flick her forehead but she kept laughing.

" You ass! ". I said and she snickered " Yeah, but you have a better ass than me ". She said winking at me and I gasp again when I felt her hands in my underwear and on my buttcheeks.

" Ah... ". I moan softly and I saw her smirk. " Damn you... ". I said and she just smirked even more. " You like it ". She whispered seductively and I blush.

I need this....

A/N: For the next chapter do you want smut or not? Because I can't decide

Stay... Fabulous

~ Drwalf

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