Chapter 1 - Introductions and Detention

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*Scott's POV*

"Move! Out of my way!" I yelled as I walked lazily down the hallway. The crowd of students parted for me, too scared to lift their eyes off the ground to even look at me. I held my head high and smirked at the cheerleader latched onto my arm, my girlfriend of the week Cassie. Any girl was lucky to call me theirs, even if it was just for a short period of time. They all knew I would get rid of them eventually but I suppose even that doesn't stop the ladies.

There's a reason I'm the most popular student in the entire school. It's a perk of having incredibly famous parents; Connie and Rick Hoying. I'm sure you've heard of them. They've both been in countless movies playing major roles, and I've even appeared in a few of them. I can't help that everyone loves me and hangs onto my every word.

I continued on my way to my first period classroom, sauntering casually down the hall. I wasn't too fussed about getting to class on time; up first was History and to be honest I couldn't care less about that class. None of the teachers were brave enough to confront me about being late anyway.

As I entered the classroom, all eyes turned to me as they usually do when I walk into a room. I threw my books down onto my usual desk at the back of the room, and as I went to sit down the teacher cleared his throat. I snapped my head to the front of the room where he was standing, and realised it wasn't Mr. Riley, the regular teacher who held the class to attention. I decided to challenge the new faculty member; I liked to see how far I could push people before they give in and stop trying. I rolled my eyes before slumping down heavily in my chair and taking my phone out of my pocket.
"Mr Hoying!" the teacher yelled. I raised my head slowly, one eyebrow cocked questioningly.
"What?" I replied rudely.
"Detention, lunch time. You'd better be there or there will be further consequences. I suspect you know the room well." The class snickered quietly, a ripple of whispers floating around the classroom.
"Shut the hell up," I demanded of the class.
"Make that 2 lunch times, Mr Hoying."

*Mitch's POV*
"Faye hurry up! If we're going to get to school on time you have to get out of bed right now!" I spoke sternly to my 7 year old sister. The small brunette in front of me groaned before yawning and walking sleepily down the stairs to start eating breakfast. I rushed around my room picking up notebooks and pens I needed for the day that had been strewn across the floor from last night's homework. I quickly pulled on some skinny jeans and a polo shirt, tying up the laces on my dirty converse and running a hand through my fringe to try and tame it a little. I could hear my little sister putting her bowl in the sink and humming a little tune as she came stomping up the stairs. "Faye! Please don't walk like an elephant, Mom is still asleep and it needs to stay that way. Hurry up and get dressed, brush your teeth and put your hair up, we're both already late. If I'm not at school on time, I'm going to get a detention, and you know how I feel about getting in trouble."

This is usually how school mornings go. I get Faye up, get her ready for school and try to manage to make myself look presentable as well. My mother isn't exactly parent of the year or anything, but she tries to give us a good life. She works a lot, so I have kind of taken on the parent role with Faye. I make sure she is where she needs to be when she needs to be there, including getting her to school, which doesn't always go smoothly.

I glanced quickly at my watch, realising I was supposed to be at school already, and we hadn't even left the house! I grabbed Faye's lunchbox, stuffing it in her bag as I grabbed the little girls arm and pulled her out the door. I hastily drove to the elementary school and dropped Faye off, kissing her forehead and waving goodbye before getting back into my car and driving straight to school. It was 9:30 when I arrived, and class started half an hour ago. I sighed loudly and walked swiftly through the school gates and into the building.

"Mr Grassi. I'm glad you eventually decided to show up for class today. Detention, lunch time. I still want to see you after class though." A chorus of oooo's rippled throughout the classroom as my first period Math teacher finished his speech. I rolled my eyes at the immaturity of my classmates and slumped heavily into my chair in the first row.

Class eventually finished and I stood up quickly, wanting to get to my next period on time. As I was walking out the door, the teacher pulled me aside wanting to talk to me about my patrial absence at the beginning of the class.
"Mitch, you're never usually late and I know you don't like getting into trouble. What happened this morning?" I explained the situation to Mr. Ross, skipping over the details about my mom. I didn't really want anyone knowing about her job description.
"Please, don't let this happen again Mitch." I nodded and exited the classroom. This was going to be a long day.


*Scott's POV*

The bell rang loudly, signalling the end of second period and the start of lunch. I groaned, remembering the detention I had gotten myself by being late to History this morning. It didn't really bother me though; I spend a lot of time in detention so I'm used to it by now. But, what does annoy me is that stupid new teacher we have! Who does he think he is, replacing Mr. Riley and immediately bossing me, Scott Hoying around, especially for being late. Being early isn't even in my vocabulary; I can't remember the last time I actually turned up to class on schedule.

I strolled to the designated detention room, not bothering to rush. As I was almost at the door of the classroom, a petite brunette boy came running down the hall, obviously eager to be somewhere. However, he stopped short when his body collided with mine, his pile of books and other unnecessary school supplies dropping loudly to the concrete floor.
"Watch it, buddy!" I said bitterly. "Next time, try not to be a massive nerd." I snickered loudly, before turning to face the door and walking in to the room. I went to slam the door behind me, but was stopped suddenly by something; or rather, someone. I turned my head quickly, realising the brunette dork from a second ago was following me into the room. His head was hung low, and he shuffled quickly past me to grab a seat in the front row. I did the opposite, opting for a seat at the back of the room.

I leaned back in my chair, eyeing the back of the nerd's head. He must have sensed my staring because he turned to look at me, piercing brown eyes making contact with mine. I raised my eyebrow questioningly, before shaking my head, rolling my eyes and moving my attention elsewhere.

*Mitch's POV*

Scott Hoying. What a pleasure to be stuck in lunch time detention with him. Let me tell you something about the man himself. Scott is an asshole, and there is absolutely no other way to describe him. Everyone knows about Scott, and everyone stays away from him; except his little posse of course. They walk through the hallways acting like they own the place, and they kind of do I guess. No one dares question anything they do, or act out when they're around. We all know to steer clear of that dick head of a man. I would never say anything of the sort to his face, but god I wish I had the guts to.

I was slightly flustered from our encounter at the door a few moments ago, but I tried to hide it by keeping my head down and immediately finding somewhere to sit. I could feel his gaze on the back of my head, and it was making me terribly uncomfortable. I took a deep breath and decided to look back at him, making eye contact with his stunning blue retinas. He raised one perfect eyebrow, before rolling his eyes and looking away. Ugh; this was going to suck, even if it was only for one lunch time.

A/N Hi! So as I said before, this is my first Scömìche story! I would love it if anyone reading could comment and vote. I hope you are having a great day. Thank you :) - Abby xx

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