Chapter 20 - Surgery

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*Mitch's POV*

We arrived at he hospital within 20 minutes. The ambulance station was fairly close to where the accident happened but the hospital was just that little but further. My Mom and I were taken in a vacant room, having to share as there weren't many spare rooms but we didn't mind. Two separate doctors checked both of us for normal hearing and sight, and then began to assess us for our separate injuries.

The small piece of glass had to be taken out from my mother's forehead, and she hissed in pain as it was pulled out. The doctor placed a piece of gauze over the wound, stating that it should heal in no time. As for the concussion, a CT scan had to be done so I was left alone in the room with my doctor while my Mom was being scanned.

The pain in my leg was starting to become almost unbearable, and it was decided that I was in desperate need of some pain killers and an X ray. Someone let my Mom know that I was most likely going to be out of the room when she came back but not to worry as I was just getting an X ray for my leg.

I sat nervously on the bed with my leg propped up in front of me, waiting for the results from the X ray. Mom was sat on a chair beside the bed, holding my hand for comfort. A nurse entered the room with the results and placed them on the light box that was situated on the wall in front of me. I gasped as I saw the X ray of my leg; many of the bones had shattered inside my leg. There was an obvious and clean break that was showing, and I knew I would need some sort of surgery to speed up the healing process.

My previous doctor entered the room, turning his attention to the X ray that was mounted on the wall.
"Okay," he said, rubbing his hands together and looking at my information board. "Mitch is it?" I nodded.
"So as you can see," he said, pointing at the clean break. "You're Tibia or your shin bone is broken and you're definitely going to need surgery in order for your recovery to be as smooth as possible. Often times we can just put a plaster cast on your leg and you'd be on your way but because there is that one big break, as well as a few little fractures and cracks we need to take care of it more seriously. I'll see if I can find you a time slot within the next day or two so you can be out of here as quick as possible." The man rushed off to the operating theatre office to see if he could fit me in for surgery.

I looked over at Mom; a look of concern was etched onto her face. I reached out and ran my hands softly over her face, smoothing her features and trying to calm her down a little.
"Mom, I'm going to be okay; it's just my leg! I'll have the surgery, stay here for a few days to recover and I'll be back home before you know it." I gave the woman a reassuring smile when the nurse politely interrupted.
"Miss Grassi you're right to go if you would like. Your head is fine and the CT scan was clear, but if you want to stay with your son for a few more hours that's fine." Mom decided she would stay with me until the sun was up, giving the doctor time to come and talk to both of us about the surgery.

After waiting for a little over an hour, the doctor re entered the room with the surgeon who was going to be working on my leg.
"Mitch," he addressed me. "This is Doctor Harris, he'll be operating on your leg when it comes time for your surgery." The tall man walked over to the bed, first shaking my hand before shaking my mother's too.
"I have you booked in for tomorrow at 9:30am. Now we don't usually do many surgeries on Sunday's but your case is fairly urgent. I'm not going to go into detail about the procedure because it's a little complicated and I don't want to scare you with lots of big words that sound scary but really aren't. I will be putting a few screws in place just to make sure that everything heals well and stays strong once the bones have corrected themselves."

I thanked Doctor Harris before he left the room along with my previous doctor and the nurse. The time on my phone read 6am, and I wondered where the time went. I yawned and my eyelids started to droop, indicating that I was in need of sleep. I heard Mom get up from her chair and stand beside the bed.
"I'm gonna get going now Mitch, I'll be back up later this afternoon with Faye and some clothes and other things you might need. Would you like me to let Kirstie know what happened so she can come up and see you?"
"Yeah, thanks Mom. Could you tell her to come a bit later though? I just need some sleep right now." The woman nodded and grabbed her handbag from the floor.
"I love you sweets, have a good sleep."
"Love you too Mom."

She exited the room and I could faintly hear her telling the nurse that she was leaving and that she would be back later this afternoon.
"Take care of him, and make sure he doesn't get himself into any trouble; he's a cheeky one when he wants to be." She laughed as did the nurse.
"Of course Miss Grassi, I'll keep an eye on him for you."

*Scott's POV*

Someone's phone was ringing loudly right by my ear, and I reached over to grab it and turn it off before it woke anyone else. We had all just crashed on the living room floor; the lucky ones had gotten the couches but the majority of the people left were asleep on the carpet floor. I grabbed the ringing phone and looked at the screen, identifying the device as Kirstie's. The name 'Nel Grassi' was on the screen and I recognised the name straight away. I looked around to find Kirstie sleeping to the left of me. I shook her awake, thrusting the phone in her face just as it stopped ringing.

"Piss off Scott," she said groggily, laying her head back down on the ground and closing her eyes once more.
"You should call her back, something might have happened to Mitch." I thought about last night, and I hoped that nothing bad had happened to the brunette boy. He left on bad terms and I didn't want that conversation to be our last. Kirstie groaned when she realised I was probably right and grabbed her phone, unlocking the device before calling Mitch's mother back.

"Hi Nel, sorry I didn't answer your call. I'm actually still at Scott's place and-" she was interrupted by something Nel said. She listened for a moment, her eyes getting wider the more she heard.
"Oh my gosh, are you both okay? What about Faye, where is she? Is she alright?" Kirstie was saying a thousand words a minute, firing question at the woman on the phone left, right and centre. She listened once more before agreeing to whatever Nel was saying and hanging up.

"What's the matter, is Mitch okay?" I asked, worried about the brunette boy.
"Mitch and Nel were in a car crash just after they left here. They both got taken to hospital but they're okay; neither of them are too badly hurt. Nel got a concussion and a small wound on her forehead but other than that she is fine. Mitch however has a severely broken leg and he's going into surgery tomorrow morning. Nel just called to ask me if I was able to go and visit Mitch this afternoon to keep him company for a while."

"Do you um," I stuttered. "Do you think I'll be able to come with you? I want to see him before his surgery." Kirstie narrowed her eyes at me, before her features softened and she gave in.
"Yeah, I suppose. You're all he ever talks about so he'll probably want to see you anyway." She clamped her hand over her mouth, breaking out into a smile and giggling from underneath.
"You heard nothing," she smirked. "But yeah, you can come. He's at Millwood Hospital, meet me there at say 4?" I nodded my head in agreement, and we both laid back down, closing our eyes and getting a few more hours of sleep before everyone else woke up and went home.

A/N - Hey everyone! Here is a new chapter for you all; it's a little bit rough but it's all I can come up with at the moment so I'm sorry if it's crappy! Thank you for reading and remember to comment and vote if you liked the chapter (which I'm hoping you all did!)

My chapterly obsession is the new show Scream Queens! Did any of you watch it? I'm not really sure if it has already aired in the country you guys live in but it only premiered last night for me. Let me know what your chapterly obsession is in the comments. Love youuuuu!

- Abby xx

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