Chapter 32 - Preperation

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*Scott's POV*

The rest of the week dragged by slowly, the only thing on my mind the choir competition; and Mitch of course. No matter what I did, I could never get the image of the brunette boy out of my head and it had been that way since I say him that day in the hallway for the first time. His features were captivating and I could never get enough of his gorgeous face when I was in his presence. I felt like I had to cherish the time I spent with Mitch just so that I could get my fix until the next time I saw him. Not that I would ever be able to forget what he looked like, no, but seeing him right there in front of me was way better than the version in my head. His lips were much pinker, and the way his cheeks blushed when he talked to me was absolutely adorable. I would never get tired of looking into his perfect eyes and getting lost in the darkness that resided there.

"Dude!" Avi snapped me out of my daydream and I soon realised we were the only two left in the classroom.
"That was the bell, we're free for the weekend!"
"Uh, yeah just hang on, let me grab my things." I struggled the gather my belongings, as I hated the thought of Avi possibly knowing what I was thinking about.
"What is with you lately Hoying?" Avi questioned, shaking his head and laughing.
"Nothing man, I'm just regular old Scott Hoying," I shrugged in response and hoped Avi would drop it soon. He was my best friend and I could definitely trust him with anything but my secret was just too personal and I'm not willing to tell anyone yet. No doubt Kirstie knew because she was one of Mitch's closest friends but I'm hoping she is as trustworthy as I think she is.

I walked out of the building after grabbing my backpack from my locker as I usually did, and waited in the student car park for Mitch. We completed the daily routine of therapy, and after sitting in the car outside Mitch's house for what seemed like an eternity, I eventually helped him into the building and waved goodbye as I drove away. It was unusual for us to spend a Friday night apart but the long awaited choir competition was this weekend and we both urgently needed to pack. Besides, we were going to be with each other all weekend and I was looking forward to it. Unfortunately we weren't placed in the same room although I'm not really sure we'd be able to stand being in the same space without revealing our little secret; well mine.

*Mitch's POV*

"Mom, I'm going to be fine!" I assured the panicking woman with a light pat on the shoulder and a kiss to the cheek. "It's only one night and," I leaned closer to my mother. "Scott will be with me pretty much the entire time. Plus, you know Miss Kirkland will make sure that none of us get hurt or anything and really, what can go wrong? Actually, don't answer that," I said, once I noticed the look on my mothers face.

I'm not really sure why she was thinking I wouldn't be okay on a school trip; for the last few years I have been left alone to look after Faye and she didn't seem to be concerned then. To be fair, we never went anywhere further than 20 minutes away but the competition was only not a long drive and there were going to be plenty of responsible adults with us.

"Mitch Grassi!" Miss Kirkland yelled, making sure the whole choir was present before we all stepped onto the bus.
"That's my cue Mom, I've got to go! I love you and I'll see you tomorrow. Scott is going to drop me home as soon as we hop off the bus so you have nothing to worry about, I'll be in safe hands for the entire weekend." I quickly kissed hero on the cheek for the millionth time and hopped over to the choir teacher.

"I'm here," I answered Miss Kirkland. "Slowly but surely, I'm here." This caused the young teacher to giggle and I laughed along with the silly statement.
"Are you alright to step onto the bus by yourself?" She questioned, looking at my leg brace and crutches.
"I may be on crutches Miss, but I'm not completely crippled. I think I've got it." I smiled at the instructor and tried to maneuver myself onto the first step of the bus. I soon felt a strong pair of arms lift me up and onto the step and I whipped my head around to see Scott close behind me.
"Not completely crippled huh?" The blonde said jokingly, allowing me to scale the few steps that were left. Once Scott and I were safely on the bus, I smacked the tall boy in the chest and fell down into one of the many seats.
"Scoot over babe," Scott said quietly; making sure no one else heard him call me the adorable pet name.
"As you wish my dear," I retorted cheekily, letting out a laugh as I finished the reply.

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