Chapter 7 - Confessions

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*Scott's POV*

My chest heaved up and down rapidly after my outburst. Avi still stood in the doorway of the bathroom, too shocked by my behaviour to say anything. Sure, I was an asshole but I was never really violent.
"Dude, what just happened?" Avi questioned, looking at me with curiosity. I thought quickly, coming up with a lie to cover up the fact that I had just voluntarily kissed Mitch.
"I was in here taking a break from everyone for a minute, when some junior faggot came in and started talking to me for god knows what reason. He was going on about something that happened during truth or dare and then just before you came in, he threw himself at me and tried to kiss me!" I hoped that the lie I had just told was convincing enough.

Avi laughed, much to my surprise; that meant that my dishonesty succeeded.
"Dude that is so fucked up!" he shook his head in disbelief.
"I know right! I have no idea why he did that, I'm not even gay and he knows it. Everyone in the whole damn school knows it."

By the time Avi and I had finished our conversation, I had calmed down a little, but my heart was still racing at the thought of Mitch's lips attached to mine. Just as Avi was exiting the room, I remembered what had happened with Cassie earlier. Avi was my best friend, and I wanted him to know.
"Cassie and I broke up," I confessed. Avi turned around from his position in the doorway, his eyes wide. I don't usually tell anyone when I break up with a girlfriend, it just sort of happens and everyone accepts it; but because she cheated on me, I needed everyone to know how much of a whore she was.
"Man, that sucks so much! Why?"
"I caught the bitch making out in her room with some dick head like, 2 hours ago. I never cared about her anyway. She's just a dumb cheerleader that has nothing going for her." I left out the fact that Cassie called me frigid; I didn't want anyone let alone Avi knowing that I'm actually still technically a virgin. Every thinks that I have these weekly girlfriends just so I can screw a different girl all the time, but I guess each of them fill the void that my parents have left in their absence. Sure, I've fooled around with all of them but I've never had sex with any of them. No one can ever know the truth about what just happened, and I hope Mitch wouldn't say anything to anyone.

*Mitch's POV*

I felt bad that I left Kirstie behind, but she was the one that forced me to go that damn party anyway. I don't really know how I made it home safely; I had consumed a lot of alcohol and I surely wasn't under the legal limit.

I knew it was a huge mistake kissing Scott, but it must have made him feel something because he definitely kissed back. I don't really know what got into me; the vodka I suppose. It was past 2am, and I lay still on my bed, my hands behind my head. I stared up at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, my mind reeling through the events of the past few hours. I was scared about what would happen when I got back to school on Monday. It was more than likely that Scott would go back to being his normal self, and would never utter another word to me again. Like he said, I'm a loser.

On a usual weekend, Mom would have been home by now. She rarely stayed at her clients place, wanting to get the deed over and done with so she could come home and sleep. Just as I was thinking that I heard the front door open, my mother's heels clicking loudly on the hard wood floor. I hadn't talked to her in a few days, as she had been absent from the house. When she reached the top of the stairs, I opened my door to meet her. It must have surprised her a little to see me awake because she jumped when she saw me.
"Mitch honey, what are you doing awake? And where is your sister?" I thought about giving her the cold shoulder, but decided against it.
"Uh, I've just been at a party and Faye is at Miss Goulding's place for the night. I needed someone to look after her while I had the night off. I didn't really want to leave Faye, but I haven't had a night to myself for so long Mom." A guilty look came across my mother's face, clear that she felt responsible for my almost non existent social life.

My mom gestured for me to follow her into her room, before taking off her shoes and sitting down on the bed. I did the same, enjoying the company that I rarely received.
"I'm actually glad you're still awake, because I need to talk to you about something." I urged for her to go on, getting comfortable on the large bed.
"I know you're ashamed of me Mitch; and I feel the same way. I hate the fact that I have to do the things that I do in order to look after us and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm never around to support you; I'm sorry that we can't all sit at the table together and eat dinner and I'm sorry that I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry that I leave you here by yourself to look after Faye, and I can't imagine how hard it is when you're so young." By the end of her small speech, tears were beginning to form in the corners of her deep brown eyes. I reached out, just as the tears began to spill down her face and wiped her cheeks. She lowered her head and continued to cry silently. I put my finger under her chin, tilting her head up to look at me.
"I understand Mom, and you don't need to apologise. Without your income, we wouldn't be able to survive. Your job pays the bills and that is all that matters. I am not ashamed of you, and I never will be. I just wish that you had a more normal job that I didn't have to hide from everyone. You are so smart Mom, and I need you to put those brains to use." She laughed slightly at my last statement.
"I love you Mitch, so much and I'm very proud of everything you have achieved so far. Don't you ever ever forget that. "I leaned in, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while, just enjoying each other's company.

"There is another thing I need to talk to you about." I turned my attention to the woman next to me, looking at her with curiosity.
"There is a reason I've been gone for a few days without coming home and that is because I've met someone." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Mom's clients didn't usually get romantically involved with her, because she mainly serviced married men who didn't want their wives to know about their dirty little secret. I was eager to know who this man was.
"He started out as just another client, but after a few sessions we soon realised that we had a deeper connection. He is the only one I have been seeing for a little while now."
"Is he married?" I asked gingerly.
"Well, he was when I first started seeing him, but he and his wife have decided that divorce is the best thing for them and their kids."
"Kids?!" My eyes widened in surprise. "How many?" Mom looked a little disheartened by my sudden outburst.
"He has two, a boy and a girl. Actually, I think one of them goes to your school; Avi?" My heart started racing; this could not be happening.

*Scott's POV*

Initially, I was going to stay at Cassie's for the night but after what she did to me and what happened with Mitch I just wanted to get out of that place. I left the house and hopped into my car. I was still clearly intoxicated, but I didn't want to have to ask anyone for a ride home; they were all drunk too anyway. I safely made my way home, noticing my parents' cars in the driveway. I was surprised that they were actually home, but I was happy none the less.

The house was quiet when I entered, my parents obviously asleep since it was now the early hours of Saturday morning. I hadn't left a note or anything because I didn't know they were going to be home, but they know that I'm usually out all weekend anyway so I didn't think they would be worried.

I took my shoes off at the door and left them on the rack that was just inside. I crept up the stairs and walked quietly past my parent's room and down the hallway a little further. When I made it to my room, I stripped immediately and went to the attached bathroom to take a shower. I was sobering up slightly, and my head began to hurt; a side effect of all the alcohol I had consumed. I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up, turning the hot tap on all the way. When it was steaming, I stepped in and shuddered under the heat of the water. I let it run over my head, before deciding to sit down on the in built seat. I thought about the events of tonight; the way Mitch's lips felt on mine was amazing, and something I would surely never forget. I felt guilty about what I had said to Mitch because I didn't think that about him at all and I definitely wanted to see him again. I had to say those things though, to protect my reputation.

A/N - Sorry if this has any mistakes or anything! I've been finding it difficult to write lately and I've had a pretty crappy day so forgive me haha. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to comment and vote; I'd really appreciate it. And thank you for over 200 reads! It really means a lot. Hope you're having a fantastic day!

- Abby xx

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