Chapter 9 - Issues and Injuries

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Warning: A little bit of swearing in this chapter, sorry! x

*Avi's POV*

The house was quiet when I got home from school on Monday afternoon; something unusual for the Kaplan family home. I dumped my bag and shoes at the door, before walking into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. When I rounded the corner I saw my parents and my older sister Esther sitting at the dinner table, which was really weird.
"Avi come and sit down," my father said solemnly. I raised my eyebrows and took at seat across from my sister, looking at her questioningly. She just shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention to my parents.

"Lately your father and I have been having some-" my mother stopped mid sentence to search for the right word. "Issues," she continued, giving my father a look of what I would describe as disappointment.
"We've been trying to sort things out between us for a while but it's just not working and we think that it's about time that we separate." The words hit me like a tonne of bricks and I sat there stunned at what I had just heard.
"You're getting a divorce?!" Esther stood up abruptly from her chair, scraping it against the floor before running from the table and into her room.
"Honey wait!" my mother exclaimed, following the distraught girl upstairs. I let the news sink in for a moment; the tension between my father and I was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.
"What happened, Dad? What went so wrong in your lives that divorce is the only option?" My voice wobbled as I spoke.
"I disrespected your mother in the worst way possible; and you need to know that I'm incredibly sorry but feelings are feelings and there is no way of stopping them." I knew what my father was going to say, but that didn't mean I wanted to hear it come out of his mouth.
"I cheated on her Avi, and I really don't have an excuse. All I can say is that I'm sorry but your mother and I just don't have that connection anymore. Nel Grassi fills that space in my heart, and we love each other." I was beyond mad; how could my father do this? I got up out of my chair following my sister's actions and going to my room, slamming the door behind me. Whoever this Nel woman was, I already hated her.

*Scott's POV*

As soon as I saw Avi at school the next day I knew something was wrong. Had has this forlorn look on his face and he walked slowly towards me.
"Can-can we talk?" He stuttered quietly and indicated that we move into a vacant classroom so we could have some privacy. Avi wasn't usually like this; even if something was bothering him he did a pretty good job at covering it up so I was a little worried. I followed him into the unused classroom and sat down on the top of one of the desks, waiting for Avi to tell me what is going on.

"My parents are getting a divorce." Out of all the things he could have said, I didn't expect it to be that and I was shocked. I had been to Avi's place plenty of times before and his parents seemed so in love. When I noticed tears beginning to form in Avi's eyes, I let my caring side show for a second and I made my way over to him, pulling him into a hug and squeezing tight.

I grabbed his shoulders and shifted my body away from his.
"Do you know why?" I asked cautiously, not wanted to upset Avi further.
"My dad met another woman and he fell in love with her I guess. I mean you can't choose who you love but it still hurts." I shook my head at the situation, sympathising for Avi and his family; well his mother and sister at least.

"Who is this woman anyway?" I was curious to know who was breaking up my best friend's family.
"I don't know, some Grassi chick; Nel I think my dad said?" I furrowed my eyebrows; the name Grassi rang a bell. I thought about it for a moment, racking my brains to find where I knew the name from. Mitch. Mitch Grassi. That son of a bitch!
"It's that little faggots Mom, Avi! I exclaimed. Before anyone could stop me, I stormed out of the room, determined to find Mitch and teach the little prick a lesson.

The school wasn't very big, so it didn't take long for me to find Mitch. He was sitting by himself under the same tree that I got caught smoking under just last week. I walked quickly over to where he was sitting, grabbing the small brunette by his shirt collar and pulling him to his feet. The terrified look on his face almost made me let go, but the anger bubbling inside of me took over and I raised my fist, punching Mitch hard in the jaw. His head twisted to the side, the sound of my hand connecting with his face was sickening. Mitch fell to his knees, and I took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach.

*Mitch's POV*

I lay on my side, grasping my stomach. My eyes were screwed shut in an attempt to keep the tears at bay, however it was not working and my cheeks were already dampened. I stood up slowly still clutching my stomach, eyeing Scott as I did so. I reached up to touch my face, my hand coming into contact with an already swollen and bleeding lip.
"Scott what the fuck!" I suddenly screamed. He looked surprised that I had yelled at him, and I could say the same thing. Usually I would have just run away but he made me so mad that I had to say something. I took a step towards Scott and attempted to hit him, bringing my hand up to his face. However, he caught my fist mid air and dropped it harshly by my side.
"Hoying! What do you think you're doing?" A teacher I didn't recognise came running over to the scene and stood in between Scott and I.
"We do not tolerate bullying at this school! The next time I see you lay a finger on anyone, there will be serious consequences. I'll see you in detention tomorrow afternoon." Scott opened his mouth to protest, but the teacher just turned he back and walked away.
"Are you going to answer my question?"
"Don't fuck with me, and don't fuck with my friends; you hear?" Scott warned. I could feel my legs shaking, and that moment of courage I had a second a go had vanished. Scott looked into my eyes, studying them before following the teacher's actions and walking away, leaving me very confused and hurt.


I sat in Spanish class, my chin resting on the palm of my hand. It was obvious that people had noticed my bustedlip and already bruised jaw but no one questioned it. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I pulled it out and noticed a text from an unknown number. I frowned slightly, before unlocking my phone to read what it said. Mitch Grassi's mother is a lying, cheating whore who tears families apart. I read the text once more, making sure that what I had seen was right. I looked up from my phone to see everyone else in the class staring at me with their phones in their hands. I realised the text was sent to everyone and I hid my face in my hands, letting a few tears slip from my eyes. I grabbed my books and quickly left the classroom, needing some air before I had a panic attack or something.
"Mr Grassi!" I heard my teacher yell. I looked back into the room, choosing to ignore her and continuing down the hallway. The tears were falling freely now,and I knew I looked like a mess. I left the school grounds as quick as possible, swinging by my locker to grab my bag before I did so. I didn't care who saw me leave, I just needed to get away.

A/N - Eeeeeeeeew. Okay so I actually hate this chapter but it's the best I can do right now! Sorry that it is so short but I feel like the next part of the story would be too long to fit in this chapter. Also, there won't be another update for a couple of days because I have compulsory state testing on Tuesday and Wednesday so I'll probably be stressing out to the max and won't have any time to write/upload. Thanks for the understanding everyone and thank you for so many reads! Don't forget to comment and vote too.

- Abby xx

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