Chapter 37 - 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

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*Mitch's POV*

The choir competition was over and it was back to the normal school and therapy regime. My day consisted of waking up and having to skip breakfast because my leg always slowed me down, getting a ride with Scott to school and parking far away so no one would see us arriving together, barely surviving the day and spending hours after school at my therapy session and finally coming home only to eat dinner, sleep and repeat the whole process the next day.

Sneaking around with Scott at school was harder than I ever imagined, and I always seemed to be the one making the effort to see him throughout the day. He avoided eye contact when he saw me in the hallways, especially in the company of friends and tried his hardest to remain his usual, asshole self. Of course, I know it's just all an act and that Scott really does love me but it's hard to remember that when he acts like a complete tool around me at school. He is far more respectful to his teachers now that his senior year is nearing a close but it's a different story with his fellow students.

"Oi fag!" Scott yelled and I spun around quickly, trying to mask my embarrassment by casting my eyes to the ground. A boy I have never seen before did the same, fear becoming evident in his eyes when he saw Scott walking slowly towards him, surrounded by his incredibly annoying 'friends'. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking god that it wasn't me he was talking to, but feeling terribly sorry for the mysterious boy. Scott eventually stopped in front of the boy and grabbed his collar, getting close to his face and talking quietly. After a few seconds Scott jerked his hands forward, causing the boy to stumble back and hit his head against the hallway wall. Laughter echoed throughout the room and high fives were exchanged within Scott's group.

Tears streamed down the boys face as he adjusted his backpack, slowly recovering from the blow to the back of his head. Scott looked over his shoulder at me, eyes sad and sorry. He silently pleaded with me, begging for forgiveness for the act he just committed but I just shook my head and looked towards the boy, who was now wiping the tears from his cheeks with the sleeve of his shirt.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I approached the boy, clearly startling him as he jumped slightly when I spoke.
"Um, yeah I guess so. I mean obviously my head hurts now but I'm sure I'll be fine soon." I gave the boy a sympathetic look and extended my hand.
"I'm Mitch by the way," I said as the boy took my hand and shook it quickly.
"Jackson," he replied, reaching up to touch the spot on his head that had hit the wall. When he pulled his hand away, blood remained on the skin and I gasped quietly.
"Right, you're going to the nurse and I'm taking you there."

I made small talk with Jackson on the short walk to the nurses office and discovered he was a senior, although I've never seen him around before.
"Sorry about that," I apologised for Scott for the thousandth time, getting slightly worked up that the gorgeous, generous and absolutely amazing boy I knew was nowhere to be found in the school hallways.
"It's okay, you don't have to take the blame for that asshat; you did absolutely nothing wrong and I'm so grateful that you are sticking up for me. How do you know Scott anyway? Well, apart from the obvious."

I chuckled, looking towards the brunette who appeared much younger than he actually was.
"It's actually super complicated," I laughed nervously, now looking anywhere except at Jackson.
"But I'll save that story for a rainy day." I left the conversation at that and thankfully he didn't question me any further. Although Scott was an absolute dick to Jackson, I wasn't about to out him to some random I just met and decided to keep my mouth shut for the time being.

More small talk ensued until we got to the nurses office, Jackson and I deciding last minute to exchange numbers so that we could get to know a little more about each other. I explained the situation to the nurse and left Jackson to be treated, obtaining a late pass so that I wouldn't be put through another torturous detention.

*Scott's POV*

"Good one Scotty boy," Chase, a 'friend' of mine said, rubbing his hand through my hair and messing it up as he did so.
"Uh yeah," I laughed meaninglessly, feeling absolutely terrible for what had just happened with that guy, Jackson I think. Although my conscious was guilty, I was more worried for what Mitch would say this afternoon when I gave him a lift home, if he says anything at all.

I prepared for the worst the whole afternoon, an uneasy feeling in my stomach for the remainder of the day. Mitch had no other way home though, and I knew I had to plead my case on the short ride home in order to gain his forgiveness about the whole situation. Mitch was already leaning on the side of my car when I showed up in the parking lot and I wondered how he had arrived so quickly. I shrugged it off and opened the back door to throw my backpack on the seat next to Mitch's.
"Hi," I tried cautiously.
"Hey," was all the young brunette said in reply. I sighed loudly and slumped into the drivers seat, putting the keys in the ignition and waiting for Mitch to get comfortable.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell that was this morning?" Mitch raised his voice, getting madder by the time he had finished the sentence. I contemplated my options, trying to decide whether to have this conversation with Mitch in the car or leave it until we arrived at his house, where I know I would be able to focus more. Therapy was cancelled for the day as Mitch's therapist was sick and wouldn't be able to handle any work.
"We're not having this conversation right now Mitch," I stated calmly, keeping my tone of voice even and flat. "I won't be able to focus on the road and I don't want you to get into another accident, especially if it is my fault." I could see the brunette cross his arms in my peripheral vision, huffing adorably as his did so. A small smile appeared on my lips but soon faded as the realisation that I would have to explain myself made itself present. A scowl settled on my face and the rest of the ride home was silent except for the quiet murmur of the radio in the background. 

A/N - I'm back! I'm so sorry that it has been so long but I have really enjoyed my break. This chapter is quite the filler and boring so please forgive me. I hope you all enjoyed your christmas and have a very happy new year. 

My chapterly obsession is this band that busks in the city where I live called The Fergies; they are absolutely amazing so go check them out on YouTube and give them some love! Tell me your chapterly obsession in the comments and don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

I love you all very much and thank you for reading! 

- Abby xx

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