Chapter 14 - Choir Nerd

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*Scott's POV*

I think I'm going to join the choir. I know for a fact that Mitch is a huge choir nerd, and I'd do anything to spend more time around him without my friends becoming suspicious. From the first time that Miss Kirkland, the choir teacher heard me sing all the way back in 10th grade she has begged me to join the school ensemble every year but I always thought singing was lame and declined the simple ask every time. Don't get me wrong; I love to sing just not in front of anyone. I get nervous around crowds, which I suppose is kind of weird for someone like me because of my parents' famous status but I can't help it. The bottom line is, crowds scare me but I guess you have to face your fears sooner or later.

After lunch and the little encounter between Mitch and me, I skipped the first part of the next class and made my way to the room where the choir rehearsed. The students that joined the choir had a dedicated class period 3 times a week to practice and it was counted as one of their subjects. If I wanted to join, I would have to swap the class that I was supposed to be in now, which was history and I was glad; history was a nightmare and the new teacher hated me.

Luckily when I arrived at the room, the choir wasn't actually singing. I knocked on the door politely and waited for Miss Kirkland to notice me.
"Oh Scott, what are you doing here; finally giving in and joining the choir? You should be in class though," she said jokingly, although I could tell she was a little serious about the skipping class part. My eyes wandered quickly around the room, looking for the brown eyed boy before Miss Kirkland snapped her fingers in front of my face; I must have looked zoned out. Just before I turned my attention back to the teacher in front of me, my eyes landed on Mitch. He was already looking at me, a quizzical expression etched onto his face. I shrugged and smiled, receiving a grin back from the brunette.
"Actually, yes!" I exclaimed, making the young teacher smile. "I can't stand history anymore, the new teacher is such a buzz kill." I laughed slightly, Miss Kirkland shaking her head humorously at the use of the words.
"Go to administration now and get your class changed over. You'll get a new timetable as soon as the swap has processed and then you can come to class." The teacher smiled at me as I left the room, and I took once last glance at the gorgeous boy I was joining the choir for.

*Mitch's POV*

Miss Kirkland clapped her hands to gain the attention of the class; we had gotten a little rowdy while she was talking with Scott.
"Okay everyone, so I've got some news! I just talked to Scott Hoying as you probably just saw and he is going to be joining the choir. I'm not sure how many of you have heard him sing but he is incredible and I know he is going to be a valuable member of the ensemble." A few groans were heard throughout the room as Scott didn't have the best reputation.
"Come on guys, he isn't that bad! I'm sure once you all get to know him better you'll love him." I was surprised that Miss Kirkland had heard Scott sing. I'm assuming it wasn't voluntary and she caught him in the moment just like I did. I smiled at the teacher, and she gave me a cheeky wink in response. What was that about?

We continued to rehearse for most of the remainder of the period, Miss Kirkland having a conversation with the choir about where Scott would fit in. I was guessing that Scott would be put in with the baritones, as his vocal range was quite normal for a boy of his age. He had an ordinary vocal range, but an extraordinary voice and I know that everyone will be amazed when they hear him sing. It seemed like I was the only one that was happy about the fact that Scott was joining but I could deal with everyone else's negativity. As long as I got to spend time with Scott, I was happy.

No matter how much I tried to force him out of my head, it never worked. I wished I was a senior so I could have other classes with Scott, but I was grateful that now I got to spend the entire choir period in his presence. I was hoping that Miss Kirkland placed Scott somewhere near me in the performance formation so we could practice side by side. I was a tenor and now that Scott was a baritone I think it's likely but I'm not getting my hopes up.

The bell rang and I realised I had been sitting in my spot in the choir rehearsal room day dreaming about Scott for the last few minutes of class. Most of the other students were already packing up their stuff and heading out of the room, leaving me as one of the last ones left in the large space. I quickly grabbed my things and went to exit the room.
"So, Scott hey?" Miss Kirkland questioned, raising her eyebrows at me and smiling suggestively as she spoke.
"Uh, yeah," I answered awkwardly, not really sure what that look was for. "I'm sure he is really going to enhance the choir, he has a strong voice that we could use as an advantage in performances, especially competitions."

The choir competed in major competitions a few times a year, and got to spend the entire weekend away at the event but I was never able to go because I was always looking after Faye. I didn't really mind not being able to attend competitions though; I loved to sing and I was blessed that I was able to be part of the choir and that practices weren't held after school.

"I'm actually really surprised by his voice. I didn't think it would sound so beautiful and I didn't think he would actually join choir either; you would have thought that he was too cool for us." I smirked slightly at the stab I just took at Scott. "But no, he really is talented. I actually only heard him sing for the first time yesterday afternoon. I was finishing up my tutoring session and caught him singing his heart out in here." Miss Kirkland nodded, looking as if she already knew this information which made me somewhat confused.
"Well, you'd better get to your next class Mr Grassi, you don't want to be late!" I turned to head out the door before she spoke to me one last time.
"Oh and Mitch?" She questioned. "Be careful what you do in here after hours; you never know who is watching." My eyes widened and I realised what she was talking about. My cheeks turned a deep shade of pink and I hurried out of the room. Oh god.

*Scott's POV*

I had the next class with Kirstie, and I decided it was my chance to get Mitch's number. I know I had texted him that messaged, but I didn't actually know what his number was; it was just on a big list of numbers with no name assigned to them. I scribbled a message on a piece of paper, balled it up and threw it in Kirstie's direction hoping it would land somewhere near her and should would see it before anyone else did. I watched as the paper flew through the air and hit Kirstie in the arm. She whipped her head around to the direction of where the paper was thrown from and glared at me, realising it was me who had thrown it. She smoothed out the note and read it before quickly writing a reply. She watched the teacher, making sure he wasn't looking before launching the paper back to me.
In your dreams, asshole, it read; harsh. I wasn't going to risk throwing it back to her, and decided I would just catch her after class.

I ran to catch up with Kirstie who was obviously in a hurry to get to her next class.
"Why not?" I questioned, referring to my earlier question.
"Why not? Why not?!" she started getting angry but kept her voice quiet. "Let me see, first you kiss Mitch at that damn party and than call him a faggot, and then you start a fight with him for no reason and badly bruise his face! Why don't you tell me why not Scott?" She was right. I dropped the subject and settled on messaging him on Facebook later that night instead.
"Yeah, whatever Kirstie." I said defeated. She obviously didn't expect me to give in as she sighed and pulled out her phone. "682," she started reciting Mitch's number and I smirked triumphantly.
"Thanks Kirst," I said, using her nickname. I patted the girls back and walked to my next class with a smile on my face.

A/N - Here is another chapter for you, woohoo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you are having a great day. Thank ya'll so much for over 1000 reads!! I never expected it to get past 100 let alone 1000 so I really appreciate it. Don't forget to comment and vote, and follow me! Love youuuu.
- Abby xx

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