Chapter 30 - Hurt

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*Scott's POV*

I admit, I was acting like a child but Mitch had hurt me. I was the one who had stopped things before they got too far but I at least thought that Mitch would stay for a while afterwards. It wasn't like he explained himself either; he just asked me to take him home and that was the end of that! I didn't bother helping Mitch down the stairs even though I knew he needed it.

I was sitting in the driver's seat of my car, waiting for the brunette to exit through the front door. Mitch appeared 5 minutes later, slowly hopping across the driveway and to the other side of the car. He opened the door and got in with difficulty, eventually resting his crutches on the seat beside him when he was safely in the car. He barely had time to close the door before I drove off, keeping my mouth shut for the entire ride. Mitch didn't say anything either and I knew he could tell something was up. I glanced at him from time to time but got no reaction. I suppose I shouldn't have expected so much; I was the one who was giving him the silent treatment in the first place.

*Mitch's POV*

Neither of us spoke for the entire drive. I knew Scott wasn't going to say anything, so I busied myself by staring out the window. I could feel his eyes on me every so often but if he was going to act like a child, then there was no reason why I couldn't as well.

Scott stopped the car adjacent with the curb and behind my car; I suspect he would have pulled into the driveway however my mother's car was already parked there.
"I'll see you later then?" I asked timidly. Scott was silent for a few seconds because he replied with a hostile "yep" and nothing more. I leant over to Scott to kiss him goodbye but at the last second he turned his head and I got his cheek instead. I couldn't be bothered asking him what the matter was; we could hash it out another time but for now, I just wanted to get inside and go to bed.

I struggled to push myself from the passenger seat of the car but I was eventually able to with the help of my crutches and the car door. I tucked my phone into my pocket and positioned my crutches under my arms, before hopping along the driveway and to the front door. I looked back to take one last glance at Scott but he was already gone and I was left wondering how I had already stuffed this up.


Scott had been ignoring me for the entire weekend. I had tried to contact him multiple times but had received no answer. I was going to attend therapy every week day starting next week and I wanted to spend some more time with the blonde before I started. I knew I would be constantly exhausted for the first couple of weeks of therapy and I wanted to be with Scott before I was too tired to do anything but sleep. It was clear that Scott was ignoring me on purpose and it hurt me to think that he was back to his old self again. He had changed so much since I met him, and I was actually starting to think that it was permanent. But it was obvious that his reputation is more important than the emotions of a real person and he would continue to treat me like a loser at school. How could I be so stupid?

Monday morning rolled around and I definitely wasn't looking forward to it. I know I would have a hard time just getting around the school on crutches but I was more anxious about what would happen with Scott. I hoped he was just in a mood on the weekend and he would be back to his new and improved self by the time I arrived. I didn't expect him to be all lovey dovey in front of his friends, or anyone really at school. He had only just admitted his sexuality to himself and his parents and I couldn't see him coming clean anytime soon. There were times when I could steal him and have a private moment with the blonde but we were going to have to be careful. Most of the people knew I was gay but Scott's secret was still under lock and key and I wasn't about to announce it to everyone. I wanted him to be comfortable with himself before he told anyone else.

First period on Monday was choir and although I loved singing, I was dreading seeing Scott. We stood right next to each other for the arrangement of our songs and if he is going to continue acting strangely I'm not sure how I'm going to cope.

Kirstie walked with me to the choir room, offering to carry my backpack for me so it wouldn't weigh me down. Because of our age difference, choir was the only class that we had together and I was grateful that she was able to help me even if it was just for one period. She opened the door to the room and I scanned the area quickly, searching for the tall blonde. He was nowhere to be seen and I was glad that I had arrived before him.

Miss Kirkland had arranged for me to sit down in one of the chairs so that I could rest my leg and not have to stand with my crutches for the entire class. She placed the seat in front of the tenor section in the choir stands and I was kind of happy that I wouldn't have to stand next to Scott.

All but one member of the choir filed into the room slowly and even though I wasn't really looking forward to seeing Scott I still felt my stomach fall a little. We began rehearsals for the competition that was happening in less than 2 weeks and I was excited that it was fast approaching. I had thought about the trip a lot while I was in hospital, but the doctors and therapist had already given me the all clear to attend. My therapist would be coming along with us to make sure that I didn't have any trouble while I was away from home, which was going to be a little annoying, but I was glad that I was still able to go considering the circumstances.

About halfway through practice the door opened and the blonde walked in, chucking a piece of paper carelessly onto the teachers desk and taking his place in the stands. He kept his eyes to the floor and didn't look at anyone as he passed them. From my chair on the floor I could see Scott's eyes were red and puffy and it looked like he had been crying. I tried to get his attention as he shuffled past me but was unable to do so while I was singing.

Over the past few weeks, the choir had worked with Miss Kirkland to arrange some amazing pieces and I could tell everyone was happy with how they turned out. There were 2 arrangements set for each of the days of the competition; one medley and one complete song. The competition judges had allowed the attending choirs to choose whatever they wanted to sing but usually there were a few guidelines that we had to follow. I had missed out on a weeks worth of practice during my hospital stay but I was easily able to catch up.

As soon as class finished and we were done rehearsing, the students began to gather their belongings and make their way to their next class. I waited until Scott stepped down from the choir stands before I grabbed his hand as he walked past. He tried to pull away without looking at me but I forced him to stop and make eye contact with me.

By now all of the students had left the room along with Miss Kirkland. She gave me a questioning look as she went to leave however I gave her a reassuring nod and she somehow understood that we needed to be alone for a moment. I grabbed my crutches and lifted myself out of the chair, not quite rising to Scott's level but being able to see him better. I tucked my crutches under my arms and leant on them, grabbing Scott's hands in mine. Once again he tried to pull away from me.
"Scott, please. Tell me what's wrong," I demanded quietly. The tall boy remained silent and refused to look at me. I tugged on his hands to gain his attention and he snapped his head towards me, finally looking me in the eyes.
"What did I do wrong?"

A/N - I totally freaked out when I saw how long it has been since I updated! I whipped this chapter up real quick so it's probably reallllly bad so I apologise. Unfortunately only one person sent in a question for me for my Q & A so I'm postponing it for a while. 

I probably won't be updating very often in the next 3 weeks because I have so much assessment and exams to do before I finish high school. My graduation, formal (prom) and birthday are all happening within the next 3 weeks as well so yeah, I won't have much free time to write so please don't hate me!

ALSO, thank you so much for 7K!!!!!! I am suuuuuper excited that Another World is becoming popular and I can't thank you guys enough.

My chapterly obsession is PTX's new album and it will be my obsession for the rest of my life. It is literally so amazing and I went and bought it as soon as I could. I'm sure you've all heard it so tell me in the comments below what you're favourite song is. Mine is probably Sing because it is so upbeat and fun but I love every single song so it'll probably change by tomorrow. Let me know what your chapterly obsession is in the comments and don't forget to vote! Please please please send me a question asking whatever you want to know - it can be pretty much anything! I love you guys so much and I'll talk to you all in the next chapter.

- Abby xx

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