Chapter 27 - Freedom

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*Mitch's POV*

I was glad to be finally getting out of the shitty hospital room I was staying in and going home so I could get back into a normal routine; well as normal as you can get with a reconstructed leg. I had packed up my mountain of possessions that I had stockpiled over the last week as best as I could and left the rest for Mom to help me with when she came to pick me up.

I was thankful that my mother's new boss was very understanding with our family situation and she was able to have flexible hours to cater for looking after me now that I was pretty much a cripple for the next 6 to 12 weeks. Her boss is letting her start later for the next month or so until I am more confident on my feet, well crutches, and I am able to look after myself a little better.

Mom was much happier now that she wasn't basically working the streets. She had more time to spend with Faye and I as a family and she was much more involved with our lives than she had been previously. She would spend a few nights here and there at Michael, Avi's fathers house but it wasn't very often. I had never seen the man and if he made my Mom weak at the knees than I was eager to meet him. Avi seemed like a nice enough guy and I was willing to put any prior differences aside to keep my Mom and Avi's Dad as happy as possible.

It was great for my little sister too; she hadn't really had a proper mother since she was 3 or 4 and she was lapping up the attention my mother was giving her. I'm not sure how Michael is going to go with her; he has two almost grown up children and I know they were young once but it has been a while. I admit I do kind of miss having the responsibility and hanging out with the gorgeous girl every day. However, it gave me the opportunity to come out of my shell, relax and maybe let loose a little without the little girl in my presence.

I had just finished gathering the last of my things when Mom and Faye entered the room. I was still a little worked up about Scott and I found myself wondering how everything was going with his parents. Had they spoken and hashed out the situation? I hoped so, and I was eager to visit the tall blonde as soon as I had put everything away when I arrived home.

"Hi sweetie! Are you ready to get out of here?" Mom asked eagerly as she picked up my overnight bag stuffed to the brim with all of my belongings.
"I think I've definitely overstayed my welcome so yes, I am ready to ditch the place and get home to my own bed!" Faye giggled gently and grabbed another small bag that I had, willing to help my in any way. I smiled fondly at the little girl and used my crutches to help me out of bed and onto my feet. Mom had her arms full and I felt guilty that I couldn't take any of it from her, but I suppose there was nothing I could do about it.

We made our way to the front desk so Mom could sign my release papers and I was free! I was ecstatic to finally be out of that sanitary and incredibly lonely hellhole and to be able to get back to familiar surroundings.

"Hey Mom?" I questioned, causing the brunette woman to spin around to face me and give me a questioning look. "I know I haven't been home for a week but I would really appreciate it if you would let me go round to Scott's place for a while. He's having a bit of a crisis and I think he needs me there for support, you know." I said sheepishly and all at once, hardly having time to take breath between words.
"Could you at least come home for a couple of hours? I want to make sure you can maneuver around the house before you go somewhere else. I don't want you hurting yourself further," I thought about the negotiation and decided to agree. Mom was right; I definitely didn't want to put more strain on my body than I already was. And besides, Scott is a strong boy and he can wait a couple of hours.
"Have Scott drop you home before midnight though; I know it's the weekend but I don't want to spend the whole night worrying about you. Plus I'm not sure how his parents will react if you stay the night." Mom gave me a look and I knew exactly what she meant.

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