Chapter 4 - Detention (Again)

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*Mitch's POV*

Friday finally rolled around and I wasn't looking forward to second period Chemistry. I had an assignment due today and I was far from finished. I was so busy looking after Faye; helping her with her homework, cooking her meals and getting her ready for bed that I hardly had any spare time to do school work. I spend most of last night staying up until the AM trying to get it finished, but a little after 4am I fell asleep, slumped over the desk. The alarm on my phone woke me suddenly from my slumber at 6am sharp, urging me to get up and get myself and Faye ready for school. Having only 2 hours sleep was taking its toll on me. I had managed to get both of us to school on time this morning though, which is always an achievement considering the circumstances.

I arrived at Chemistry and went straight to my seat, keeping my head down and hoping the teacher wouldn't notice my presence. I had no such luck though, and as the teacher reached my name on the attendance list, I knew he could tell that I hadn't finished the assessment.
"Mitch, you're a good student but if you can't hand in assignments on time there are going to be consequences. You're going to have to attend detention this afternoon after school until you can show me the completed task." I knew it was coming, so I just nodded and accepted it.

I suddenly remembered Faye, and tried to protest, promising I would get the assignment to him first thing Monday morning; but he would have nothing of it. I racked my brains, trying to come up with a solution to my problem, when my mind landed on Miss Goulding. As soon as I got out of class, I dialled her number she had given me earlier in the week.
"Hi Laura, this is Mitch. I don't want to have to ask for another favour but I have gotten myself into a bit of trouble, and I have an afternoon detention. I was wondering if you could take Faye straight to your place from school this afternoon." She agreed immediately, and I was glad that everything was sorted.

*Scott's POV*

I needed a smoke. Mitch clouded my mind, and I knew I needed to stop thinking about him. The nicotine helped me forget about anything that was on my mind for a little while and I craved that feeling. I walked out of the building, finding a spot under a large tree and sitting cross legged underneath it. I took the pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit one, bringing it to my lips and drawing in the smoke. I exhaled, enjoying the feeling.

"Scott Hoying!" A loud voice yelled, startling me a little. I know I was sitting in plain sight but I didn't think anyone would care. I quickly stubbed out my cigarette on the grass beside me and put the box and lighter back into my pocket.
"Hi Sir, how're you going on this fine Friday morning?" I asked innocently; my charm usually won over the teachers.
"I saw that cigarette Scott, and you're skipping class to smoke it! I'm giving you an after school detention. You will stay there until I come and release you. You're lucky I'm not taking this to the principal." I stood up, brushing the dirt off the back of my pants before mock saluting the man standing in front of me and walking back to class.
"Don't let me catch you again Scott!" the teacher yelled over his shoulder.

*Mitch's POV*

I grabbed my bag from my locker and headed to my third detention of the week, kind of hoping that Scott wouldn't be there to distract me from finishing my Chemistry assignment. However a small part of me wished that Scott would be there, teasing me and calling me dork or nerd or even loser. I was starting to warm up to him, and even though I couldn't help getting detention this week, I kind of wanted to get into trouble on purpose just so I could be in the same room as him.

When I entered the classroom, it was empty except for the teacher supervising for the afternoon. I sat down in my usual spot and took out my Chemistry assignment, beginning to work on it straight away. I wanted to be out of here as quick as possible, and that wouldn't be achievable until I had completed the entire assignment. I began to type out my existing notes on my computer, when the door opened and in walked none other than Scott. I felt annoyed that he had interrupted, but my heart began to race none the less.

"Well well well, look who it is!" Scott exclaimed loudly. I looked at him before continuing to work on Chemistry. The teacher gave Scott a dirty look as he entered the room.
"Not happy, Scott. Sit down and wait until you are excused. The more you disturb me and Mitch, the longer you'll stay." He rolled his eyes and took a seat directly behind me in the second row.

After a few moments, the teacher excused herself to go to the staff room, and Scott took that as his opportunity to talk to me.
"Aren't you a bad boy then? I'm slightly surprised Mr Mitch." Scott laughed at his statement. "What are you in for this time?" I stopped typing, turning to face Scott who had his cap on backwards. He looked really attractive, I must admit. The way his tank top exposed his muscly arms kind of made me weak at the knees.
"Hello?! Earth to nerd!" Scott voice snapped me from my thoughts.
"Uh yeah, what?" I asked distractedly.
"I said, what are you in for this time?" I laughed nervously before replying.
"My Chemistry assignment was due second period, but I hadn't finished it because I needed to look after my little sister and get her ready for school and what not and-" Scott cut me off again.
"What did I say about telling me your life story?" He laughed, the beautiful sound tumbling from his perfect lips. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him.
"What about you?" I questioned.
"Skipping class to go have a smoke." I raised my eyebrow.
"I didn't know you smoked," I said.
"I don't; usually. But there was some things on my mind that I wanted to get rid of. And what would you know about me anyway?" Now it was my time to laugh.
"You're Scott Hoying, everyone knows everything about anything that you say or do." He shrugged in response before replying to my comment.
"Not everything."


After about an hour in detention, Scott was let go and left the room, throwing a goodbye and a small wave at me over his shoulder as he departed. Weird. I dismissed Scott's actions and continued working on my Chemistry assignment. I typed out the last sentence and leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes for a moment. I gathered my books and printed the document, before going to the Science staff room and finally handing it in.
"Don't let it happen again, Mr Grassi." I nodded in response and walked slowly to my car. I drove straight home to get ready for the party at Cassie's tonight. My eyes widened when I realised that Cassie was Scott's girlfriend of the week, and that Scott would most definitely be there tonight. I was mostly annoyed that the blonde would probably ruin my only night off in months with his snide remarks, but once again a small part of me was excited that I would get to see him somewhere other than school.

I stood in front of the mirror for the thousandth time, inspecting my outfit to make sure I looked perfect. I was one of the only juniors attending this somewhat exclusive party according to Kirstie, and I didn't want to look like rubbish. After countless outfits were tried on, and items of clothing were thrown around the room, I finally settled on some skinny jeans, a nice button up shirt and a pair of vans that I had found in the back of my closet. I styled my hair like I usually would, running my fingers through it a few times to make sure it looked presentable. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, before grabbing my wallet, keys and phone and heading out the door. What am I doing?

A/N Hello!! So I'm updating a little bit early today since it's the weekend, woohoo! I hope y'all are liking the story so far, because I'm definitely enjoying writing it. Please comment, I'd love to read some feedback from anyone and votes are much appreciated also. Hope you're having a lovely day!

- Abby xx

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