Chapter 38 - Selfish

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*Mitch's POV*

Before the car came to a complete stop, I was already opening my side door and stuggling out onto the driveway. I slung my backpack over my shoulder the best I could and made my way to the front door without looking back. I could only assume that Scott was following, although right now I'm not really sure I want him to.

It took me a while to be able to maneuver myself up the stairs using my crutches but now I've got the hang of it and I was up into my room in less than a minute. I kicked my shoes off and signed loudly, sitting down carefully on the end of the bed before deciding to lay back, my hands tucked underneath my head. Scott sauntered into the room not much longer after I arrived and took a seat across from me at the desk. I lifted my head to see him fidgeting; obviously nervous about the talk we were about to engage in.

"So?" I questioned, catching the blondes attention. His head snapped up and we locked eyes for a few short seconds before his gaze was averted to anywhere else. Scott remained silent for a while longer before he finally spoke, mumbling as he did so.
"I didn't mean to," he spoke softly, shame evident in his tone.
"How was this an accident Scott?" I raised my voice at the boy and sat up so that I could see him.
"Oh sorry, my fist just gained a mind of it's own and slammed your head against a wall, my bad!"

Scott lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine once more and a pained expression plastered across his face.
"You know how I am with peer pressure Mitch, I don't deal with it well. The guys found out that this kid was gay and they made me do their dirty work. They threatened that if I didn't do it they would-"
"YOU HURT HIM BECAUSE HE IS GAY?" I cut Scott off, yelling at the top of my voice as to get my message through to him. "What does that say about you?" I keep my eyes on Scott, my chest heaving rapidly from my sudden outrage.
"No, Scott. Who is to say that I won't be next? Practically the whole school knows about my sexuality and if your 'friends' ask you to hurt me what are you going to do? Are you going to succumb to peer pressure and bash me up for the second time just because I don't like girls? You're forgetting that you're gay too, Scott and if you don't come clean soon who knows what is going to happen. I don't care if you have to lose all of your so-called friends; if they really liked you for you and not for your money and your parents' fame they won't care who the hell you're sexually attracted to. If they can't accept you, they aren't worth having in your life."

By the time I had finished speaking, my voice had quietened to almost a whisper. Tears were slowly rolling down Scott's cheeks and for a moment I almost took back everything I had just said. The house was completely silent for what felt like an eternity, the mood in the room angry and sad.
"I've gone my whole life so far getting bullied for the way I look, the way I dress and my sexual orientation but I've learned to brush it off. Yeah, it hurt me at first but I've learned to deal with the pain, bottle it up and shove it under the bed for no one else to see. I can't let some low life jackass ridicule me for being born who I am, and neither can you. And I can't be with someone who associates with those type of people."

A single tear made its way down my face before dropping onto the collar of my shirt.
"Leave." Scott stood in front of me, taking a small step from his position to meet me, resting his hands on my arms and slowly rubbing his thumbs over the skin.
"Mitch, please," he whispered. "Don't make me go. I can't leave her knowing how mad and upset you are at me. What can I do to make you change your mind?"

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, indicating that I wanted Scott's hands off me.
"I'm not going to say this is unforgivable because you know what you do to me and how you make me feel but I need some space. You can't just go and do something like that and expect me to forget about it so easily. I don't want to force you into anything but I can sneak around with you forever. Someday soon you're going to have to man up and come out and if I can do it so can you. Hiding our relationship or whatever is hurting me and I don't think I can cope much longer."

Scott stared at me as I spoke, a fire igniting in his eyes as I mentioned coming out.
"You don't understand Mitch!" he shouted, causing me to flinch back as I once did when we first met. "If I come out I'll be the fucking talk of the town!" My mouth opened in surprise and I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin as Scott spoke.
"THE ENTIRE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU, SCOTT!" I raised my voice back to a shout, surprising even myself.
"Why can't you stop being so damn self centered and think about someone else for a change?! All you care about is your fucking reputation, but that will all go out the drain when you leave school anyway! No one cares who you were in high school when you get into the real world; they aren't going to ask you how popular you were in a job interview and they certainly won't care even if you were to tell them. You're wasting your life caring so much about what others think of you that you don't take time to find out what YOU really want. I want you to leave."

*Scott's POV*

I scoffed at Mitch's words, shaking my head slightly as if unable to believe what I just heard.
"I can't believe you! You have the nerve to tell me that I'm self centered when all I have been doing for the last god knows how many weeks is carting you around in the passenger seat of my car! I've been nothing but supportive of you since the accident and you are going to tell me that all I care about is my reputation?" Mitch just stared back at me, more tears forming and streaming down his delicate pale skin.
"I can't deal with this anymore, Mitch. I knew there was a reason I shouldn't have gotten involved with you." I turned around the face the doorway and slowly walked out, hoping that Mitch would say something else just so I can continue talking to him. To my disappointment, he didn't and I had no choice but to continue on my way, down the stairs and out the door. Tears slipped out of my eyes once again as I opened the car door and hopped inside, driving away from the most important person in my life. 

A/N - Another shorty, I'm sorry! I'm not very good at writing fighting scenes so, yeah, sorry about that. Thank you guys for reading and another massive thank you for getting this story to over 20,000 reads! That actually blows my mind that so many people have read/are reading this story. I never thought it would get so popular so thank you very much. Love you guys!!1 

- Abby xx

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