Chapter 13 - Tension

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*Mitch's POV*

The kiss that Scott and I had shared left me feeling giddy and I was hardly able to control my smile for the rest of the afternoon. I desperately wanted to tell Kirstie every little detail of every thing that happened but I kind of wanted it to stay a secret too. I don't know how Scott would feel if I told her, so I went against my will and decided not to tell her about it. It was special; for me anyway and I wanted to keep it that way. I couldn't concentrate on anything that afternoon; I tried for hours to complete my homework but I kept getting distracted, thinking about the blonde's soft lips pressed against mine. I was still upset about the fact that Scott had hit me and sent that awful text to everyone about my mom but the way he made me feel in that moment was indescribable, and it made everything else seem like it didn't matter anymore. Of course I haven't forgiven Scott completely; he was still a jerk but I was warming up to him quickly despite everything that has happened between us. I went to bed that night was a smile still etched onto my face.


I walked into Chemistry the next day and sat down in my usual place, going to grab my homework and set it on the desk when I realised that I hadn't gotten it done the night before. I was too busy thinking about Scott to concentrate. The teacher read out the attendance list, each student getting up from their seat and placing their completed homework on the teachers desk.
"Mitch?" My name was called but I stayed seated, not wanting to admit that I hadn't finished the task.
"Mitchell, have you done your homework or do I have to give you yet another detention for incompletion of compulsory work?" The silence answered the question for me and the teacher shook his head disapprovingly.
"Lunch time Mr Grassi." The class ooo'd, however the teacher silenced them and continued on with the lesson. I let my head hit the desk and closed my eyes, fiercely wishing this class were already over when in fact it had just started.

*Scott's POV*

The bell rang signalling the start of lunchtime and I walked from my previous class to my locker, going to grab a snack. On the way, I passed the detention room and out of curiosity I peeked in the window, noticing Mitch sitting in his now usual desk at the front room. It was the first time since we met that he had been in the room and I hadn't, and his presence left me wondering what he had done this time to land himself in detention. There was no supervising teacher, and I guessed that they trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't leave the room until he was allowed to at the end of lunch. That's just the type of person Mitch is and I found myself wishing I were more like him for a little moment.

I debated with myself for a few seconds, wondering if I should go in and talk to the brunette or keep walking. I shrugged and decided I had nothing to lose, opening the door and entering the room. As he heard the door open, Mitch looked towards me and a small smile formed on his face.
"Hi," Mitch acknowledged, leaning back in his chair slightly. He didn't have any books or loose papers on the desk, which was strange for Mitch; usually he was doing some type of homework or assignment. I walked over to the desk next to Mitch and sat down in the seat that was behind it, swivelling sideways so I could face him.
"Hey, what's going on?" I asked nonchalantly, leaning my elbow against the back of the chair and tilting my head to the side a little. Mitch laughed quietly to himself at my casual statement.
"Well," he started. "I'm in detention so that's fun!" His sarcasm made me grin, and I found it endearing when he was cheeky like that.
"Okay Mr Bad Boy, tone it down a little please." I said jokingly "What did you do this time?" Mitch rolled his eyes and confessed that he was distracted and forgot to do his chemistry homework; his teacher was a little uptight.

After our light conversation, a silence fell throughout the room and it was obvious that we were both thinking about what happened yesterday. The tension was undeniable, but it was the last thing that I wanted to talk about right now.
"Um, okay well I'm going to go and get some lunch." I stated awkwardly. I walked to the door, looking at Mitch over my shoulder and smiling at the petite boy.
"See ya round, Grassi."

*Mitch's POV*

As Scott left the room, I couldn't keep a grin from spreading across my face. The playful banter didn't end in him being an ass, so I took that as a step in the right direction. It did get a little awkward for a moment, but Scott left before it could get any worse and I was grateful for that.

I honestly don't know what is going around in that boys head sometimes; one minute Scott and I would be getting along and the next he would be saying something hurtful or physically injuring me. My cheek was still bruised but it had started to fade by now. I brought my hand up to the damaged skin and ran my fingers along my jawline rubbing it softly to ease the ache that had started there.

A/N - So sorry this chapter is incredibly short! It is totally a filler chapter so please forgive me! Hopefully the next one will be a little more interesting but I'm not making any promises. Even though I'm already 13 chapters in, I still feel like the story and the characters are getting introduced so bear with me. Thanks for all the support and don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you're all having a wonderful night/morning/day.

- Abby xx

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