Chapter 24 - What's on your mind?

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*Mitch's POV*

The next day as promised, Scott visited me in hospital with the day's homework. Since I wasn't able to leave hospital for about a week, I had to complete any class work and assignments while I was away and apparently there were no exceptions. I had put Scott up to the task to collect anything that I needed and bring it to me after school; well he had put himself up to it but I was grateful all the same.

My leg was starting to hurt less as the week progressed but I knew once I started therapy it would get a whole lot worse. The wound was covered with a bandage and I had to wear a full leg brace over the top. It made it hard to get up and go to the toilet or shower but Anna usually helped me with that; however when I got home I was going to have to learn to do things by myself and gain back my independence.

Scott was making a huge effort to continue being nice to me and I loved it. Scott visited me every day after school until the week was over and he always brought something little for me. On Monday afternoon he arrived with a bag of Hershey's kisses tied at the top with a little white ribbon, and the following day he brought an iced coffee from Starbucks. When Wednesday came Scott waltzed into the room with his laptop and a copy of 'Spirited Away' tucked under his arm. He sat beside me on the bed and we watched my favourite movie, which I guess had come up in conversation. Scott sat through the whole thing even though I knew he wasn't into it, but he pretended nonetheless.

On Thursday Scott surprised me with Japanese food; he knew that I was sick of the awful hospital food. We sat together once again and ate, pausing between mouthfuls to talk to one another. Friday afternoon finally came round and I was excited to be spending only one more night in this very sanitary, very pristine jail. Scott arrived with yet another simple gift today, but probably the most beautiful out of them all. A third bunch of flowers was set down next to the two that were already in vases on the chest in the corner of my room. The arrangement was made up of different kinds of flowers in contrasting shades of pink and orange, with little sprinklings of baby's breath throughout the bunch.

And before Scott left, every day without fail he pressed a sweet and gentle kiss somewhere on my face; my temple, my cheek and if I was lucky, my lips. He was showing affection in private but I knew that once I was out of hospital he would hardly pay attention to me. I was lapping it up while it lasted though and in the moment it was incredible.

My mother and Faye usually visited too but it was only for an hour or so; nowhere near as long as Scott. I could understand though. Faye is a very fidgety 7 year old and she gets bored easily so I wasn't offended by it. It was rare that my family were visiting at the same time as Scott but occasionally they bumped into each other as they were arriving or leaving.

"What are you thinking about?" Scott asked. I was in a daze thinking about the past week and his questions interrupted my thoughts.
"You," I replied simply, smiling at the blonde sitting beside me. He smiled back and turned his head away quickly, his cheeks blushing bright pink.

*Scott's POV*

I couldn't help but think this little thing that Mitch and I had wasn't going to last long; and not on the behalf of the brunette. There is no doubt that I die a little inside with worry every time I think about telling anyone that I am gay. Of course I'm concerned about what all of my friends and family will think, it's only human nature right?

I'm not saying it was easy for Mitch to come out to anyone because he certainly hasn't told many people, but by the way he acted, dressed and styled his hair it was a little more obvious to everyone that he was rooting for the same team.

"What about you, what's on your mind?" It was Mitch's turn to ask me and I guess I had been quiet for a little longer than I expected. I needed to get some things out and here and now was probably the best time.
"I have tried to be someone I'm not for so long and I don't know if I can take it anymore. I know we had this conversation at the party but let's be real, were we both hammered and I don't think either of us were thinking straight." Mitch laughed and nodded his head, agreeing with the statement.
"Yep," he said, popping the 'P' at the end and motioning for me to continue.
"I don't want to hide anymore but I don't think I can tell anyone either. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I'm not sure I know how to escape. What is going to happen when you leave tomorrow Mitch? I don't want to give you up but I don't know if I can give you what you want."
"I was just thinking the same thing."

*Mitch's POV*

"Being alone with you is an absolute dream Mitch and I like you, a lot. You make me feel," Scott started. "I don't know but you make me feel something I've never experienced before and it's exciting. I feel like I'm in a completely different world when we are together. I want to be able to flaunt you to all my friends and call you mine in public but I'm just not ready. I haven't even been able to tell my parents yet and they're the ones I'm supposed to trust the most."

Scott's confession broke me a little, but I appreciated that he was being 100% and completely truthful with me. To be honest, I wanted the same thing but I knew he was far from coming to terms with himself, let alone allowing his friends and family the opportunity to come to terms with who he is.

"Look, Scott I'm not forcing you into anything. You need to know that I like you a lot too and I want this," I said, motioning between the two of us. "To be a thing but not until you are absolutely ready. Maybe you should start with your parents and we'll work from there? You certainly don't have to tell everyone; it's a big thing to just blurt out and it takes time until all of your friends and family know and learn to accept you for who you are. And anyway, we'll still be able to spend time together without anyone knowing. I have therapy every single day for a while and I have no doubt it'll become boring after the first week. I'm sure they'll let you tag along to help."

"You're right, and I'd love to go to your therapy sessions. I want to be able to help in any way possible and if that just means moral support than I'll be there." Scott said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side, connecting his hands on my shoulder and hugging me tight. I did the same and we stayed like that for a few seconds until we both pulled away from the hug, looking into each other's eyes.

"You're amazing Mitch," Scott acknowledged, smiling at me. I mirrored his facial expressions and shrugged it off with a laugh and a playful eye roll.
"No really!" He continued. "You're so strong and if I were in your position I don't think I'd b coping very well. I can guarantee that the only friend that would visit would be Avi and it probably wouldn't be every day; no one else really cares about me enough."

Scott's gaze had shifted to where his hands were fidgeting in his lap and I brought my index finger to his chin, tilting his head so he would look at me once more.
"Hey, you know that's not true," I said. "I would visit and keep you company every day for sure." The tall blonde smiled once more and captured my lips in a soft and gentle kiss. I smiled into the embrace and kissed back immediately. We had both gotten used to the feeling, Scott more so than me as I was sort of already familiar with the sensation.

Scott ended the kiss by pulling away and pecking me lightly on the forehead.
"Now go and sit your parents down and tell them Scott; I'll be thinking about you the whole time. I know it's going to be difficult but I promise you'll feel so much better about the situation once you've told someone."

Scott's eyes widened as he looked over towards the door of my hospital room.
"I don't think I have to." 

A/N - It has been too long, sorry! It's only going to get worse when I get back to school because it'll be my last 6 weeks before I graduate but you can forgive me right? :D Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter; I definitely enjoyed all the fluff haha!

My chapterly obsession is the TV show Awkward. It is literally my life right now and I may have accidentally watched almost 2 seasons in one day. Whoops! Let me know your obsession in the comments and don't forgot to vote and follow me if you're loving the story. Love you all! 

- Abby xx

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