Chapter 22 - Recovery, Panic and Passion

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*Scott's POV*

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on my bedside table. The time read 9:34am, and I soon realised that Mitch would be getting prepared for his surgery right about now. I prayed silently for him in my head; I knew nothing too bad would happen to him if anything were to go wrong but I was still worried about him. I wished I had woken up earlier so I could have visited the brunette before his surgery, but Kirstie and his family were there so I suppose he didn't need me.

I got out of bed slowly and dragged my tired body to the bathroom, soaking for a while under the water of the shower before finally deciding I should get out. Once I was dressed I made my way to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was startled slightly when both of my parents were sitting at the breakfast bar silently eating breakfast in their pajamas; Mom was scrolling through something on her phone and Dad was reading the newspaper. When they were home, Sunday was mostly just a day to relax; no meetings, no paperwork and no shoots.

"Morning," I yawned, greeting my parents. I reached blindly into the cabinet, grabbing the first box that I touched and setting it down onto the bench. I poured myself a bowl of Lucky Charms and stood at the counter in front of the breakfast bar, taking a moment to study my parents. I feel like I haven't properly looked at them in a long time, and I really did miss having them around. My Mom looked up at me, a quizzical expression on her face.

"What are you looking at mister?" She asked humorously.
"Nothing really, I have just missed you guys," I replied shyly. Mom got up from her seat and rounded the bench, embracing me tightly.
"You're so grown up Scott," she said, pulling away from the hug slightly and looking up at me.
"And we're so proud of everything you've achieved so far son," my Dad chimed in. "Being on the honour roll is amazing Scott. I just wish you would behave more appropriately in class."

Yes, you heard right; the honour roll. I admit I'm disruptive in class and make it look like I don't have a care in the world but I try to work hard at home to make up for it. When my parents aren't home I don't really have anything to do so I focus most of my energy into school work and assignments.

"I love you guys," I admitted, embracing my mother once more. I pulled away from the hug and walked around to where my father was sitting, wrapping my arms around his muscular body and resting my head on his shoulder.
"When are you guys leaving next?" I asked, kind of hoping it wouldn't be any time soon.
"Well, that's why were hoping to spend the day with you," Mom started. "We'll be leaving for 2 weeks tomorrow."

*Mitch's POV *

I felt extremely groggy but I was glad to be awake. Mom and Faye were already in the room waiting for me when I came back from surgery. Luckily the painkillers wouldn't wear off for another few hours but I was dreading the time when they did. It felt weird to know that there was now metal basically holding my bones together, but I knew it was pretty much the only option if I wanted my leg to heal properly and stay as strong as it was before the break.

My Mom had tried to explain the process to Faye but I didn't really fully understand so I'm not sure how a 7 year old was expected to follow the concept.
"Hey Mitchie, now that there is metal in your leg does that mean the beepers will go off when you walk through them in the supermarket?" I laughed lightly at the naivety of the little girl in front of me.
"No honey, that's not exactly how it works," I replied, looking over to Mom who had a grin on her face.

I had been back in my hospital room for a couple of hours, and I was thankful that my family had been here to keep me company. I didn't expect them both to stay for the whole day, especially Faye so I wasn't surprised when Mom announced they were leaving.
"We'll be back tomorrow sweetie; I have work all day tomorrow and Faye has school so it'll be in the afternoon sometime." I agreed and said goodbye to each of them, waving as they left the room. Mom poked her head back around the door quickly before they left.
"Maybe you should text Scott and see what he's doing today, he might come up and keep you company." The woman winked before saying goodbye one last time and disappearing around the corner.

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