Chapter 31 - Forgiveness

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*Scott's POV*

His expression was so pleading and it was definitely hard to resist. His brown eyes sparkled somehow and his eyelashes extended and curled upwards so delicately. I could see his eyes flicking from one of mine to the other, desperately searching for something, anything. I couldn't stand ignoring the brunette for any longer and anyway, it really seemed like he had no idea what he did.
"You just left," I said quietly, my eyes dragging away from Mitch's and resting on the floor. "I thought you might have stayed a little longer and we could've hung out some more but you just left so suddenly." Mitch was silent for a moment before to my surprise, he started giggling. I snapped my head up from its low hanging position and was met with Mitch's ever so slightly crinkled eyes and plump lips.
"That's it? Scott I wish you would have told me sooner!" he exclaimed almost happily. "I didn't want to leave but I was just so goddamn tired from the surgery and everything and honestly, I just wanted to have a good night sleep in my own bed."

I thought for a moment before screwing my face up and joining Mitch in his laughter.
"I'm so sorry Mitchie," I said, grabbing the small boys face. "I thought you didn't want me anymore. I thought that after our little," I gestured in the air. "Thing, that you changed your mind because I wasn't good enough for you or something."

"Scott you know that could never be true. You are the one that is too good for me and I'm so glad to have you." Mitch tried his hardest to stand up on the tiptoe of his good leg but failed to reach my height. I got the memo and leant down to his level, placing a delicate kiss on his lips and pulling away.

"We should probably get going," Mitch said after a short moment. "We wouldn't want to get detention now would we?"

*Mitch's POV*

I was so glad that Scott wasn't ignoring me anymore, and that I knew what I had done to set the tall blonde off. I can't believe he thought I had changed my mind; is he crazy?

For the next couple of weeks I established a busy but scheduled routine that included school, a daily therapy session as well as having time to spend with my family, and Scott of course. Most of the time Scott and I spent together was at therapy and choir and we never really got any time alone like we had previously. Scott insisted that he attend therapy with me everyday and I wasn't going to argue with him. It was nice to have a support there with me and he even offered to drive me so that my Mother wouldn't have to attend every session. She would occasionally come along to talk to the therapist about my progress but other than that, she stayed at home with Faye and honestly, it didn't bother me.

Therapy was hard at first, and painful as hell but I quickly learned to kind of tune out the pain and focus on healing as quickly as possible. Of course, Scott was always distracting me and sometimes I found it hard to focus on what I was doing. Occasionally my therapist would ask him to help me with something but he usually just sat on the chair in the corner of the room and stared out the window or did something on his phone. Periodically, I would catch him staring at me or vice verse and we would send each other a smile or a wave.
"Focus please Mitchell," my therapist would say, only half joking. I hated when she called me Mitchell and no matter how much I insisted, she would still call me by the long version of my name.

The choir competition was fast approaching and we were having extra rehearsals at lunch time to make sure that we were fully prepared. The competition was this weekend and today is Wednesday. I had gotten used to navigating around the school on my crutches and didn't need Kirstie to help me carry my bag. I could sling it over my shoulder and still be able to get to class on time and even sometimes before everyone else arrived which really impressed the teachers.

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