Chapter 40 - Date Night

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*Scott's POV*

"You look amazing Mitch," I greeted the boy as he got out of the car, placing a kiss on his sweet cheek and extending my arm for him to grab hold of. I soon realised there was no way he was going to be able to use his crutches and hold onto me at the same time, so I let my arm fall and instead placed my hand on the small of Mitch's back to guide him in the right direction. His hair fell delicately over his eyes and he effortlessly flicked it away with a swift movement of his head, obvious he had completed the action many times before.

He muttered a quiet "thank you" in reply, seeming uninterested in pursuing a conversation with me but I wasn't going to let him get away with that so easily. As we continued walking, or limping in Mitch's case to the picnic spot I had set up I tried my best to converse with the brunette boy I admire so dearly however he offered little to no response to each thing I said. It was obvious that he was still pissed off with me and he has every reason to be, but tonight I was going to do everything in my power to win him back.

Mitch gasped quietly, trying to conceal his surprise but failing quite miserably. I looked over to the petite boy to see his gorgeous eyes wide and his mouth open delicately, mesmerised by the candles and the spread I had provided. I know, a candlelit picnic, how cliché right? Mitch lives for that stuff and he has been hinting at something like this for a while. He thinks I don't notice the little things but I can't help but do so when he is such an amazing and intriguing person. I think that's what brought us together at the very beginning; curiosity.

I took Mitch's crutches from him and lay them down on the grass beside the checkered blanket before taking his hands and helping him get down to the ground. The brace on his bad leg kept the limb straight, and I couldn't help but smile to myself as I watched him clumsily fall onto his backside. He hit the ground with a small thud and my smile turned into a grin, which then developed into a chuckle. Mitch glared at me from his position on the blanket but soon he couldn't conceal his anger and he joined in with me. The beautiful sound escaped his lips and I admired the way his eyes wrinkled at the corners when he laughed.

In that moment it was like Mitch forgot that he was ever mad at me however after a few seconds, the moment was gone and silence fell over the two of us. I sat across from Mitch on the ground and studied him for a few short seconds, trying to delve into his mind and see what he was thinking.

"So?" I asked, smiling over at the boy opposite. "What do you think?"

*Mitch's POV*

I didn't want to admit it to myself, let alone to Scott that I thought this entire date he had set up just for me was absolutely gorgeous. I know what he did today would be unforgivable to some people but I've already let it go. Yes, it was terrible and mean but I know the only reason he did it was because he was pressured into it by his scumbag friends. I'm working on getting them out of his life, trust me but before any of that happens I need Scott to trust himself as well as me completely; he needs to know that showing everyone his true self is the best thing for him right now. I feel bad for Jackson but to be honest, I know the real Scott and I can see and understand the internal battle he is having right now.

"It's sweet," I replied to Scott's question and smiled somewhat shyly.
"You really did all of this for me?" A grin returned to the blondes face and he nodded rapidly.
"Of course! Mitch, you mean the absolute world to me and I absolutely can't stand you being cross at me. I know what I did was very, very wrong and I'm going to try my hardest to block out anyone who pressures me into doing or saying anything I don't agree with. I did all of this not only because I desperately want you to forgive me, but mostly because I love you, so much." Scott reached between the small space and gripped my hands in his larger ones, the warmth radiating from his skin to mine.

I jerked my hands from Scott's with a smile one my face, evoking a confused look from the person sitting across from me.
"Not so fast mister!" I joked playfully. "First, I shall consume a ridiculous amount of this amazing looking food and maybe, maybe then I will forgive you." Scott sighed loudly and rolled his eyes at me, using one of his arms as a support as he leaned back on the blanket.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked, raising his brows and motioning towards the spread. I chuckled quietly and reached for what looked like a mini cheesecake, taking the wrapper off the small dessert and popping it into my mouth with one bite. My teeth sunk into the filling and I involuntarily moaned from the incredible taste of the sweet delight.

"Did you make all of this?" I asked Scott, mouth still half full of cheesecake. He nodded and grinned at me, also grabbing a mini cheesecake from the container and doing the same as I did.
"You should be a chef Scotty boy!" I exclaimed, surprised that such a macho person could have made food as sweet at this.

*Scott's POV*

"I don't know Mitch, it's a little gir-"
"Please don't tell me you were going to say girly, Scott!" Mitch cut me off and started listing off well known male chefs.
"Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsey, Marco Pierre White, Duff Goldman."
"Okay, okay I get it. You know that isn't what I meant Mitch." Just when I had started to get Mitch to come around I stuffed it all up and I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. Saying things like that has become so natural to me and try as hard as I might, they just slip out sometimes. A smile broke out on Mitch's face and I slumped my shoulders with relief.
"Calm down sweetie," he said emphasising the use of the pet name. "I'm just kidding around with you. You do know I forgave you ages ago right?" My eyes widened and I looked at the boy in disbelief.
"Yep, as soon as I saw this whole thing I knew how sorry you were; well I knew how sorry you were way before that but I thought I would have some fun with you. I know how hard it is to adapt to a completely different way of thinking and living and I know sometimes things like this will happen. I'm not saying that having personal issues is a good excuse to hurt someone but I understand, Scott and I'm willing to forgive you for things that I may not necessarily agree with because I love you. I love you and it is as simple as that. I have found the one person that I believe I am destined to be with for possibly the rest of my life and I'm not going to let one stupid mistake take that away from me. I'll be right by your side when you encounter a bump in the road and I need you to know that I'll help you through absolutely anything, just like you did with the accident. The school year is more than halfway finished and soon we'll both be free to do whatever we want without judgment."

Mitch was right and at that moment I could not resist him. I gently pushed Mitch onto his back so that he was laying down, a shocked yet content look plastered across his face. I pushed my lips against Mitch's and kissed him until we were both desperate for air, but desperate not to be apart from each other. I felt Mitch break away from our connection and push himself back up into a seated position.
"Hey now, not in public!" He exclaimed, pecking my lips once more before returning his attention back to the spread of food set out on the blanket.

*Mitch's POV*

"So, how was it?" My mom asked as I walked, well hopped through the front door.
"First of all," I started, stopping in front of the woman. "How could you?" I smiled so that she would know that I was joking, and she kissed my forehead quickly before I continued.
"Secondly, it was perfect. Scott is such a gentleman and I could never be mad at him for much longer than a couple of minutes. And lastly, I love him Mom. I am madly in love with this boy and there is nothing in the world that could change that." My mother smiled and agreed with my little rant.
"I know sweetheart, he's a good boy." 

A/N - I know, I know it's been too long! I'm just letting you all know now that although I said updates would be coming more often, that that is not the case anymore. My life has become incredibly complicated with having to work 3 jobs and there are so many things happening within my family that I've lost track of them all. This story will only be updated when absolutely possible and if that means I lose readers than so be it. 

However, I can tell you that I will not stop updating until the story is finished, it might just take a while. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around and waited patiently for the updates, I really appreciate the loyalty. Love you all.

- Abby xx

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