Chapter 26 - The Talk

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*Scott's POV*

It was another hour before my parents arrived home and I was left wondering what had taken them so long. Just as I heard the car pulling into the driveway, my phone lit up and vibrated with a text from Mitch.
M: Had a chat with your parents, well your Mom. Don't expect much from your Dad though x
A few seconds later, another came through.
M: Also please try and make an effort with them if they want to talk. It'll make everything so much easier, I promise x

The brunette made me smile but it soon disappeared from my face when I realised the talk we were about to have was inevitable and there was probably no way around it. My parents had caught me kissing another boy, and no doubt Mitch was honest with my Mom. He was the type of person that found it hard to lie and it could be a blessing or a curse at the best of times.

I scurried into my room after I quickly grabbed a few snacks and a bottle of water from the fridge before my parents entered through the front door, hoping to be able to seek refuge there until my parents gave up and went to bed. Unfortunately for me, there was no escaping. I was usually able to get away with many things but apparently this wasn't one of them. There were a few cautious taps on my door, which could have only come from my mother, so I wasn't surprised to see her head poke around the frame and into my room.
"Can I come in?" She asked quietly, opening the door a little wider so now her full body was in view.
"Yeah, whatever," I replied rudely to some extent, flopping onto my bed and sighing. I didn't like what was about to happen and I kind of wish now that I had never met Mitch; this is pretty much his fault. You don't mean that.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened back at the hospital or are you going to give me the cold shoulder for the rest of the night?" Mitch had probably already told her everything but I suppose she wanted to hear it from my mouth.
"There's no point in saying anything Mom, I know Mitch told you everything," I said, turning over onto my stomach and hiding my face in the duvet.

Mom didn't say anything for a few seconds and I heard her take a breath in and push it back out through her mouth in a quiet sigh.
"True, to some extent but how am I supposed to know he is telling the truth? It's not that I don't believe him but I want you to know that I am always here for you to talk about anything, even when I'm not actually home. I'm just a phone call away honey, you need to remember that."

I rolled back over onto my back and placed my hands behind my head, closing my eyes so that I didn't have to face my mother.
"Scott, honey look at me," she said softly. I opened my eyes as a slowly as possible; I knew I was acting like a child but I didn't exactly want to talk to anyone right now.

"You know I'll always love you," she started. "And being who you are doesn't make me think any less of you, and it never will. You know your father has really never been good at expressing his feelings so this is from both of us. We promise to support you 100% through this; I know it's not something you would usually talk to either of us about but I need you to tell us when something is bothering you. We want you to feel completely comfortable with being who you were born to be and if that means keeping it a secret from the rest of the family for a little while, then we'll do it."

"It's not family I'm worried about Mom!" I exclaimed loudly, banging my fist on my bed side table as I did so. "Just get out; I don't want to discuss this anymore!" I could tell by the look my mother's face that she was startled but she got to her feet none the less. She knew I needed time to cool down, and she left the room with a quiet, "Okay honey, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I felt terrible about my outburst; something I wasn't used to until I was introduced to Mitch. I guess I wasn't familiar with the feeling of guilt until I started treating Mitch the way I was. I used to bully people and have not one drop of guilt inside of me. I could pretty much do whatever I wanted and not care about what other people thought about me, whether they be students, teachers or even my parents.

Being hostile towards my Mom and Dad was my way of punishing them for leaving me alone all of the time and I never really thought about how it would affect them. My entire world was built on focusing on myself and no one else and now I realise how wrong that was.

After about half an hour of reflection I decided it was best to call my mother back up to my room and continue the chat she had started. I could hear her making herself busy in the kitchen, what I could only assume was pots and pans banging together noisily. I yelled out to my mother, the noise stopping for a few seconds when she heard my calling. I could hear her soft footsteps padding up the stairs and down the hallway to my room before stopping in front of my door.

Once again she poked her head around the door, averting her eyes to me with a questioning glance. "Do you want to talk now?" she said, smiling sadly.
"Uh, yeah; you can sit down if you want." My mom took a seat on my desk chair, spinning around on it to face me and scooting closer to the bed with her feet.
"I just want to say I'm sorry Mom, not just for getting angry before but for the way I have treated you and Dad the past few years."
"Scott I-" she started, but I cut her off. "Just let me continue, please. I haven't exactly been the best son but is it fair to say you haven't been the best parents either?" I didn't mean for it to sound harsh but the look on my mother's face told me all of the things she wanted to say before they came out of her mouth. "Sorry, that wasn't how I wanted to say it." I said, looking down into my lap. Mom remained quiet and I took that as my cue to continue. "Anyway, I just wish I had been an overall better person to everyone, really. I took out my frustrations on other people and never thought to stop and actually think about what they might be feeling; especially you and Dad. Giving you both the silent treatment most of the last few years was totally the wrong thing to do and I regret it, so much.

Lately something, rather someone has come into my life, as you know, and he has made me realise how much of an asshole I have been not just to you but to my friends and people I don't even know. And I guess what I'm trying to say is that I truly am sorry, and if I could take it all back I would in a heartbeat. I know you can't help being away and someday I hope to be as successful as you and Dad. You inspire me so much to achieve anything in life and I want to thank you." I stood up from my position on the bed and leant over to Mom, who by now had a few tears in her eyes. I embraced the woman for a long time as she cried silently into my shoulder, realising she had just heard the thing she had wanted me to say for so long.

Mitch had definitely brought out a better side in me and I was only now appreciating the fact that he was the only person who could snap me out of my self-absorbed trance. My brain clicked and I knew something changed inside of me. All of those times I had spent alone allowed my mind to wander to the gorgeous brunette boy for hours on end and at first I had tried to stop but eventually I just let the thoughts occur in my brain. I had developed a liking for Mitch and it was only getting stronger. The week that he spent in hospital brought us closer than I thought possible and I was glad to be able to show the true side of me when we were alone.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table quickly, unlocking the device and opening the messages app. I composed a new message and addressed it to Mitch, typing rapidly until I had written exactly what I wanted to say. My hands shook as I wrote and re wrote the message countless time, trying to perfect those few words. In the end, I concluded with just a few short words.

S: I love you, Mitch.

A/N - I am so sorry! I have been M.I.A for the past week and I'm sorry for not updating! I just finished my first week back at school for the term and I have been bombarded with assessment so I'm a little stressed out at the moment.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and give it a vote if you did. My chapterly obsession is Weirdly enough it is one of my most used tools when I'm writing so you should check it out if you haven't already. Tell me what you're chapterly obsession is and I'll talk to you at the end of the next chapter. Love youuuu :)

- Abby xx

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