Chapter 8 - Broken

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*Mitch's POV*

Monday morning came around and I was terrified of going back to school for the week. Mom was home and awake, taking a break from her new found love interest. I hadn't told her about what had happened between Scott and me simply because she didn't know I was gay. I was glad she was able to help me with Faye in the morning, because I was majorly freaking out.

For the first time in a few years I drove to school alone, not having to drop Faye off at elementary school before heading to my own. I parked in the lot, grabbing my book bag and walking into the building. I prayed that Scott wouldn't be at school today, or that I wouldn't see him at least. I didn't have such luck though; almost as soon as I arrived at my locker, Scott and his posse were there to torment me.
"Fucking faggot," Scott muttered under his breath as he walked past. He said it just loud enough for his group of friends to hear and they laughed loudly at the statement.
"Fuck off, Scott." I don't know what got into me; I never spoke out to anyone but Scott had made me so mad and upset, embarrassing me in front of all his friends. He stopped and turned around, walking slowly back towards me. He stood right in front of me, his face softening at my terrified look for a moment before switching back to an evil smirk.
"What did you say to me, gay boy?" I shifted my eyes to the ground. I didn't want to answer his question because I knew he had heard what I said. When I didn't answer, Scott knocked my books out of my hand violently and they fell loudly to the floor. I leant down to pick them up, my glasses slipping off my face and on to the ground next to my books. Scott looked down at me, stepping on my glasses and breaking them before walking back to his friends who were snickering quietly.
"Oops!" Scott laughed evilly and stalked away.

*Scott's POV*

"Dude, you didn't have to break the guy's glasses," Avi sympathised with Mitch. I shrugged off Avi's statement before replying.
"He needs to know not to talk back to me. I'm the boss around here and no one can change that."

Throughout the day, I saw Mitch 3 more times; one in the lunch room and twice in the hallways. At lunch he sat alone, his eyes glued to his lunch. Kirstie was nowhere to be seen and she hadn't turned up to Algebra today so I was assuming she was away sick or something. Mitch looked so much smaller than he really was, and I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. I know it was my fault. Avi was right, I didn't have to step on his glasses but I needed to keep up the act if I didn't want anyone to know that something happened between Mitch and me on Friday night. If I started acting nicer to him, my friends would surely know that something was up.

When I passed him in the hallways, I couldn't help but notice him cower away from me slightly. Each time he did, I felt my chest tighten. I didn't want Mitch to be scared of me, I wanted to get to know him and I began to think that I would do whatever it takes to do just that without making my friends suspicious; even if it means getting us both in detention.

*Mitch's POV*

I cried all the way home. Not only could I not see properly without my glasses, but I was just hurt by the fact that Scott was being so nasty. Mom was picking Faye up from school so I didn't bother driving to her school to get her. When I got home, I ran straight to my room, slamming the door behind me and throwing myself onto the bed. A few minutes later, I heard a quiet knock; it surely had to be Faye. When I didn't respond, she opened the door and poked her head in, rushing straight over when she saw me upset.

"Mitchy, what's wrong?" She climbed onto the bed and sat beside my shaking body. I turned over onto my back so I could look at the sweet little girl. I calmed myself down slightly before answering. "Well, someone at school is being very mean to me, and they broke my glasses today!" I showed her the mangled frame. Mom appeared at my door and I was glad to see her home and able to spend time with us for a change.

"What happened to your glasses honey? Those were expensive!" I didn't want to tell her the truth; she would surely question me further.
"There were in my pocket and I fell over," I lied straight through my teeth.
"That's not what you told me!" Faye piped up and I stared at her, pleading with my eyes that she says nothing more.
"Mitch said that someone at his school is being mean to him and so they stepped on his glasses and broke them!" My mom looked at me, silently asking if that was true. I nodded my head slowly, my eyes looking anywhere but her face.
"Faye, sweetie could you go and do your homework please? I need to talk to Mitch for a minute." The small brunette obliged and Mom moved to sit on the chair in front of my desk.

"Who did this, Mitch?" I shook my head, not wanting to answer her question.
"It was no one Mom, it's nothing don't worry about it. I'll get a job or something and I'll get a new pair as soon as I have enough money." Mom looked at me sternly after hearing my answer.
"Mitch, I just want to know who did it. I promise I won't ask any more questions." I contemplated the offer.
"Scott Hoying." I mumbled quietly, hoping she wouldn't hear.
"And why did he break your glasses? There must have been some reason." I didn't want to talk about it; if I had to tell her the whole story I would have to tell her I'm gay and I'm just not ready. However, the look on my mother's face told me that she really cared about me, and genuinely wanted to know what happened. I sighed before launching into the whole story, starting from the first detention, going all the way through up until a few hours ago. Mom didn't say anything as I told her what happened; she let me explain the whole story uninterrupted and I was grateful. When I had finished, I looked up at Mom, searching her face for any signs of disappointment.
"Are you embarrassed by me Mom?" I asked, tears starting to roll down my face. She pulled me into a hug, holding me until I had stopped crying.
"Of course I'm not sweetie, I'm always proud of you no matter what. I don't care if you like girls, boys or neither; I just want you to be happy." I was appreciative of her response and I thanked her before she left the room to start making dinner.

I decided to call Kirstie and since I was being honest, I told her about what happened too.
"I wondered what happened to you at the party! One minute you were there and the next I couldn't find you anywhere!" She laughed despite the situation.
"And I can't believe the nerve of Hoying! I knew he was a dick head but I didn't think he was that bad!"
"Yeah, sorry about that Kirst. I was just too upset to come and say goodbye, and I didn't want anyone to see me cry." We talked for a little while before Mom called me for dinner and I had to hang up.
"See you at school tomorrow? I was lonely today," I said, playfully pouting; although Kirstie couldn't see me so there really was no point.
"For sure."

A/N - To be honest I dislike this chapter very much. Buuuuut I wanted to update so sorry that it's crappy and short! Keep reading, it's going to get better and don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks everyone!

- Abby xx

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