Chapter 25 - Shock

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*Scott's POV*

My parents were standing in the doorway of Mitch's hospital room, just as shocked to see me almost on top of the brunette, as I was to see them in the same room as me. They were supposed to be away until next Saturday and I didn't understand why they were back so early. I didn't have time to question the fact though because I just needed to get out there; my curiosity would have to wait.
"I-I've got to go Mitch, I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked but didn't get the time to hear the answer as I was already pushing past my parents and heading into the empty hallway. I heard my mothers heels click loudly in contrast to the silent corridor, chasing quickly after me.
"Scott, honey wait! Slow down!" She said, barely having to raise her voice.
"I don't need this right now Mom," I replied coldly, finally getting to the main entrance of the building. I hoped that the tone of my voice would deter her and my father from following me outside.

Despite the protests of my parents, I drove my car back home to find that they hadn't arrived yet but I didn't want to be confronted so I wasn't bothered by the fact. I was angry; at who or what I'm not really sure but I could feel my face becoming red. I didn't know whether I was mad at myself for letting my feelings get the better of me or mad at my parents for barging in on the private time I rarely had with Mitch. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wasn't mad at him; I don't think I had the capacity to be mad when he was so gorgeous and innocent pretty much all the time.

*Mitch's POV*

I was left alone in the room for a few seconds. I could hear Scott's protests from down the corridor and he sounded so upset. There was silence for a minute, before Scott's parents re entered the room still looking a little shocked my seeing their supposedly straight son kissing another male.
"I'm so sorry Mrs. Hoying," I said, but I wasn't really sure what there was to be sorry about; it just felt like the right thing to say. I should have been apologising to Scott for accidentally outing him to his parents but he probably didn't want to talk to me anymore anyway so there wasn't really a point in trying.
"Don't apologise sweetie, you did absolutely nothing wrong; we were both just very surprised to see, well you know." I nodded awkwardly; looking from Connie to Rick before deciding the floor was the most interesting thing right now.

"Would you like to take a seat Mr. Hoying?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible in order not to make a bad first impression. He looked like he was about to faint and I could tell he was taking the news harder than Connie; it was to be expected though I suppose. He just found out that his only son, his only child in fact is gay and the news didn't even come from his mouth; well not technically. He grabbed the closest chair and sat down, grabbing a cup from my side table.
"May I?" he questioned, referring to the jug of water sitting beside me.
"Sure Sir," I replied quickly.

Connie matched her son's earlier actions and sat down on the bed beside me, crossing her right leg over her left and folding her hands gently in her lap.
"So you're the famous Mitch," she started, turning her head to look at me while she spoke. I nodded awkwardly, averting my eyes to any other place in the room.
"We're so sorry about your accident, aren't we Rick?" Connie questioned her husband who was sitting quiet and pale faced in his chair. "I'm just glad neither of you were seriously hurt. We were just coming up to see what all the fuss was about. Scott has never really shown as much interest in anyone as he does in you and we just wanted to know who was making our son act differently; a good different of course." She assured me, smiling.
"Scott had mentioned you once or twice before the accident but since the accident he has expressed his concern for you many times."

I didn't want to say anything that would offend either of Scott's parents so I tried to play it safe.
"Yeah, we have become pretty close over the last few weeks; I've been pretty lonely up here and I guess that's what has brought us to the point we are at now."
"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon honey," Rick announced, getting up from his chair and walking out of the room.
"He'll come around soon, it's just a shock to us both," Connie consoled, patting my arm lightly.
"This wasn't a one off thing, was it?" She asked, a hint of what could be nervousness behind her voice.

I didn't really know what to say. If I agreed with Connie's statement I risked upsetting Scott even more but I didn't want to lie. The internal battle continued for a few seconds before I spoke up.
"No, ma'am," I admitted, hanging my head slightly out of embarrassment. I remembered that Scott's parents were supposed to be out of town for this week and next, and I was suddenly confused as to why they were here.
"Scott told me last Sunday that you and Mr. Hoying were supposed to be away until next Saturday and I'm just wondering why you are both back so early." I changed the subject and hoped I didn't sound disrespectful but the question was burning in my mind and I needed to know.
"We had a minor movie role darling, and we were supposed to stay for 2 weeks of the filming as planned but the director had us do our parts first so that we could come home early. I had expressed my guilt about leaving Scott for so long once again and I suppose the director felt sorry for Rick and I; I'm not too sure but we are thrilled to be home earlier than expected."

There was silence in the room for a little while but it wasn't too uncomfortable.
"I always knew there was something different about Scott," Connie confessed, turning her body completely to face me. "Whenever Rick and I came home from being away he would have a different girl hooked onto his arm but he never really talked about them or invited them over for very long. Sometimes he wouldn't even introduce her to us and we would have to find out from his friend Avi. I found it strange that he wasn't eager for us to get to know whatever girl he had at the time and I felt like he was trying to prove his masculinity or something by having so many different girls. We didn't know about his inappropriate behavior towards you until he had basically stopped and I wanted to apologise. It was terrible for Scott to tease you and physically harm you like that and I hope he never resorts to anything like that ever again."

"It's alright Mrs. Hoying," I reassured. "As long as I don't cop another punch to the jaw I'm sure I'll be fine," I joked but Connie wasn't laughing.
"I tried to talk to him about the whole 'liking boys' thing but he didn't want to hear a bar of it. He started yelling and slamming doors and I was left wondering what I had done wrong." Tears began to form in Connie's eyes ad threatened to spill any moment. I wrapped my arm around the woman and comforted her.
"He'll survive," I said, chuckling quietly. "He's just embarrassed, that's all. I only just came out to my mother a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't easy to admit something like that. I know she probably had her suspicions because of the way I dress and the sound of my voice but it felt relieving to get it out in the open for real. I was also very nervous though, and you need to remember that it is probably harder for Scott to admit to himself and you then it is for you to take it all in." Connie nodded, hugging me awkwardly from her position on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you Mitch, and sorry again about your leg. I'll have a chat to Scott when we get home and I'll let you know if things start to get out of hand. You'll be home tomorrow won't you?" I confirmed and let Connie continue. "Would you like me to send him over sometime? I know he said he would see you tomorrow but after this little incident he might need a little nudge.
"That you be great, thank you." I said, smiling at the woman. She slid off the bed and grabbed her handbag, making her way to the door.

"Now I just have to find this husband of mine and we'll be going. See you later honey," She said, waving a small goodbye and smiling.
"Bye Mrs. Hoying, thank you for the chat."

A/N -Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. My chapterly obsession is water which I know, is kinda weird. It's been pretty hot where I live and ice cold water has been really hitting the spot lately. Let me know what your obsession is in the comments and don't forget to vote! Love you guys :)

- Abby xx

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