Chapter 18 - Never Have I Ever

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*Mitch's POV*

Well, that just happened. I can't believe Scott just completely poured his heart out to me and I hardly had to encourage him to do it; I bet it was partly the alcohol talking though. I knew that what the tall blonde had said was 100% true and I felt awful for yelling at him like I did. Yes, he has been one of the many people who have bullied me not just throughout high school but in elementary as well but now I understand why he did it. I have never been in denial about who I really am but I had one very supportive parent who never questioned why I wore dresses as a small child or preferred the colour purple to blue or green.

I don't know much about Scott's family but going by what he just said, I can tell that they aren't as supportive as my mother was and still is. I never officially told Mom about my sexuality but I could tell that she has known all along. I'm grateful that I didn't have to do the whole 'coming out' thing and that she knew that I wouldn't want to talk about it. However, I guess the people at school really don't take any notice of me because the only person who knows is Kirstie, and now Scott.

I didn't know what to say after Scott's confession. It was obvious that he didn't really have any idea of what he was saying or who he was saying it to because never in a million years did I think Scott would open up to me, let alone tell me that he was gay.

"Um, okay well I'm going downstairs now," I said awkwardly. I wasn't nearly as drunk as Scott was so I decided to get out of his hair before he realised what had just happened.
"Stay here for 5 minutes and then come down," I started. "We don't want anyone knowing what we just did now we do?" I threw a wink over my shoulder at the gorgeous blonde before opening the door, grabbing the hat from the doorknob and chucking it at Scott.
"Put this on backwards, I find it sexy when you wear it." I wondered where the sudden confidence came from but I shrugged it off and made me way down stairs where the party was still going strong.

"Mitchieee!" Kirstie slurred loudly as I descended the stairs. She was very drunk by now, but I had sobered up a little bit and decided I needed another drink. I walked with Kirstie into the kitchen and grabbed some orange juice from the refrigerator, pouring it into a red solo cup and adding some vodka; okay, a lot of vodka. Drinking games and truth or dare were going on around us but there were a few people just sitting around not doing much. We both sat down heavily on one of the couches, Kirstie resting her head on my shoulder.
"I saw you go upstairs with Scott," she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "What happened up there?" I knew I could get away with lying because Kirstie wasn't capable of telling apart a lie from the truth now that she was heavily intoxicated. I downed the vodka and orange juice, feeling the slight yet enjoyable burn in my throat as I did so. I patted the girl's head and replied. "Nothing Kirst, he was just showing me where the bathroom was." She seemed content with the answer and started babbling on about nothing.

*Scott's POV*

I grabbed the hat that Mitch threw at me and placed it backwards on my head like he had told me to do. I smiled at the thought of the brunette boy pressed up against me, and the feeling of our lips moulding together for the third time since we met. My head spun causing my vision to blur slightly and I lay back on the bed for a few minutes, waiting a little while until I went back downstairs. A couple of minutes passed and I decided it was safe to head downstairs to the party. I stumbled down the stairs, trying to be careful and doing my best not to fall down. I successfully made it to the first floor and went into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing out a beer.

A game of never have I ever had started in the living room and I decided to join. I grabbed a few of my friends on the way, forcing them to take part in the game. I passed Mitch and Kirstie who were sitting together on one of the couches, and I motioned to the blonde girl to get Mitch and follow me to where the game was. She immediately stood up, grasping the small boys hand and dragging him to the living room.

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