Chapter 2 - Nerd

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*Mitch's POV*

"Boys, I'm just heading up to administration to drop a few things off. Can I trust you to stay here until the end of lunch bell rings?" The teacher in charge of detention said.
"Yes Miss." I replied quietly.
"And you Scott?" she said. He replied a few moments later, as if he were contemplating his answer. "Yeah, whatever."

I scoffed under my breath, however I was not surprised that Scott was acting like a brat. I continued writing notes from my previous classes in my book when he spoke.
"What are you here for?" My pen stopped against the page, making a little scribble from my shaking hand. I turned towards the blonde at the back of the room, taken aback by the fact that he had actually said something to me.

I'm pretty much a nobody at school. Sure, I have friends and I don't sit alone in every class, but I guess I blend in. I like it that way anyway; I hate bringing attention to myself. Going through the daily motions of school is what I do best, and I'd like to keep it that way. So the fact that the Scott Hoying even so much as asked me a question is hard for me to believe.

"U-uh," I stuttered through the word. "I was late for first period math. My little sister woke up late so I had to get her ready for school as well as myself and-" Scott cut me off from my nervous rambling.
"I didn't ask for your life story," he laughed sarcastically. "Loser." I sighed heavily and turned to face the front again. Scott doesn't even know who I am, but that doesn't stop him from being a total douche bag to anything that moves.

The bell rang suddenly, signalling the end of the lunch period. I grabbed my books off the desk and stood up, my chair scraping noisily against the floor. I made my way to the door to leave the room. I could feel Scott behind me, but I didn't dare look back. As soon as I was out of the room, I began to quickly make my way to my locker to switch my books for the next two periods. Thank god that is over, I thought. I don't ever want another detention, at least not with Scott.

By the time I had reached my locker it was almost time for the next class. I didn't want to be late and have to spend another lunch time in detention with Scott. I grabbed the appropriate items from my locker before turning around and getting an eyeful of, you guessed it, the one and only Mr Hoying. He walked towards me, his group of friends surrounding him.
"Huh, well if it isn't the nerd from detention. How is it that I've never seen you before in my life and now it's been twice in one day?" Scott smirked. I tried to reply, but nothing came out. I just stood there staring with my mouth hanging open. Not attractive. I went to turn and walk the other way, even though my class was in the opposite direction to where I was headed. I just needed to get away from Scott and his posse. But, I guess Scott had other ideas. He lifted his arm high into the air, before bringing it down and hitting my books with such force that they fell from my grip. His friends laughed and continued on their way.

Flustered, I picked up my books from their place on the ground and glanced at my schedule to see that I had Geography next. Great. That was the only subject that I hadn't completed the homework for during my study session last night, but the teacher rarely checks so I think I'll be okay.

I was wrong. Today was the first time since the start of the term that the teacher decided to check homework and it was the first time I hadn't done it.
"Detention Mr Grassi, tomorrow at lunch." Awesome.

*Scott's POV*

I took my house key out of my pocket and unlocked the door, the empty house greeting me silently. I sighed loudly, walking upstairs to my room and dumping my backpack on the floor beside my desk. I took out my phone, before flopping down onto my bed and scrolling through the countless messages that I had received on the short journey home. After a few minutes, I trudged back down the stairs to make myself an after school snack, flipping through the channels on our giant flat screen television while I did so.

This is usually how afternoons went for me. My parents were always somewhere, appearing on a television show or at a photoshoot for a magazine or something. I was used to coming home to an empty house and now that I was older it didn't bother me as much as it used to when I was younger. Being alone used to scare me but not now; as I said, I'm used to it.

My mind reeled through the events of the day, skipping past all of the unimportant shit that I didn't care about. A conversation between Cassie and I briefly lingered, something about a 'small get together' on Friday which would probably end up as an out of control party, but that wasn't until the end of the week and it was only Monday. A certain brunette dork popped into my mind all of a sudden, and I tried the shake him from my thoughts. I didn't even know his name or who he was, but something about him intrigued me. I studied him during our detention together, and even though I couldn't see his face most of the time, I could tell there was something different about him.

I found myself wondering more and more about the brunette with the glasses and piercing brown eyes, until I caught myself and forced him from my thoughts. Dude, get it together.

*Mitch's POV*

I grabbed my book bag from my locker, slinging it over one shoulder and walking out to the student parking lot. I slumped down in the seat of my car, and closed my eyes for a moment, my mind running over everything that happened today. Scott Hoying talked to me, and not just once! It's not that I liked him or anything; I just found it incredible that he would talk to someone like me. He didn't have to say a word to me. That counts for something right?

I started the engine of my car, turning out of the parking lot and driving towards the elementary school my sister attended. She was waiting beside her teacher, Miss Goulding, at the gate who knew about our situation and insisted to wait with Faye until I came to pick her up.
"Hi Mitch!" my little sister greeted me.
"Hey Faye, jump in darl and we'll get going hey?" She gave me a gap toothed grin and sat beside me in the front seat of the car. "Thanks Miss Goulding, I'll see you tomorrow," I gave the teacher a smile as she waved in response.

I parked in the driveway and helped Faye with her bag, unlocking the front door and walking inside. As Faye went to her room to play, I walked silently up the stairs and towards my mother's room, which was empty. As usual, she had gone out at some time during the day and wouldn't be back until later tonight.

My mom doesn't have what you would call a regular job. She isn't a nurse or a receptionist or something normal like that. She is what some would call a 'Lady of the Night.' That's why she is always out at night, or away for "work weekends' as she tells Faye, who doesn't understand the concept. She spends her nights being used by disgusting men just looking for a quick root with no strings attached, and I hate it. I despise mom for even thinking of something like that, but I guess it pays the bills. Still, she is a smart woman, and could be doing something way more productive with her life. I just hope no one ever finds out about what she does.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, untying the laces on my shoes and placing them neatly back into my cupboard. I laid down on my back, putting my hands behind my head and staring up at the ceiling. My mind wandered to a certain blonde haired boy for a moment, his bright blue eyes sticking in my thoughts. There is something intriguing about Scott; I know that he isn't showing his true self. No one can be that much of an ass hole and not have an interesting back story.

A/N - Hope you liked today's chapter! I know they aren't very long at the moment but as the story progresses I promise they'll be longer. Please vote and comment, I would really appreciate it. Thank you to anyone who is reading and I hope you're having a fantastic day! :)

- Abby xx

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