Chapter 36 - And the winner is

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*Mitch's POV*

After last night I woke up glowing, feeling like I was on top of the world. I know it didn't seem like much; people give and receive blowjobs all the time much but it was a massive step in our relationship or whatever you call it, especially for Scott. The hotel provided 2 double beds for Scott and I to sleep in but we ended up squeezing into one together. Scott's feet hung off the end of the bed but it didn't matter; we were young and in love and something as simple as a small bed didn't worry us in the slightest.

Today was day 2 of the competition and I stretched and yawned as the phone on the beside table rang, giving us the wake up call we were required to organise. Scott groaned as the loud ringing woke him from his slumber, but he smiled when he noticed I was still in the bed beside him. His long arms was slung lazily over my back as I reached up to answer the phone, thanking the woman from the front desk and hanging up swiftly.
"Good morning handsome," I said as I giggled, pushing the hair back that had fallen onto his forehead.
"Ready for day 2?"
"After last night, I'm ready for anything!" Scott replied with a wink, sending me into a fit of laughter. I pushed the blonde on the shoulder, but my weak attempt did nothing and Scott grinned at my failed action.
"Come on silly, let's get ready."


Scott and I packed our belongings that had spread themselves throughout the main room and bathroom and took our bags down to the lobby of the building to meet the rest of the choir. As a group, we made our way to the convention centre for the second part of the competition and entered the practice room we had been in the previous day. Scott and I mucked around excitedly along with the rest of the choir as we warmed up our voices, until Miss Kirkland brought order to the room. We rehearsed seriously though, as we were all very eager to win this competition and be crowned the best school choir in the district.

We waited backstage until we were ushered to the side of the stage. We were performing next and I was just as nervous as I was the previous day.
"You'll do great love," Scott whispered comfortingly into my ear and squeezing my hand.
"Performing for the second and last time this weekend, please welcome the students from Martin High School to the stage!" The host of the competition announced us and like yesterday, we filed onto the stage and into our correct positions, getting ready to sing our little hearts out. The medley we would perform consisted of a snippet from each of our favourite songs, mashed together to create an upbeat and fun display of talent. For day 2, we were hoping to spice things up among the competition and decided to make this medley acapella to allow us to stand out from the other groups.

The selected students started what would have been the backing music and eventually the whole choir was comfortable on stage, jamming out to the sounds we were making with our mouths just as we would if we were back at school in the practice room.

Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Can you pay my automo' bills? If you did then maybe we could chill...

The opening was my song selection and I was ecstatic to be able to sing a small solo at the beginning of the song. Once again, during the performance I stole glances at Scott and admired his gorgeousness.

*Scott's POV*

The final note was sung and the audience erupted into cheers, clapping wildly for the performance we just gave. The whole group took a bow and were ushered into the audience to watch the remaining choirs sing.

Soon enough, it was time for the awards ceremony and as there wasn't enough room on stage, we sat in the audience, eagerly awaiting our fate with the rest of the groups. Excited chatter could be heard throughout the performance hall as the students and audience members made conversation about each of the choirs and who they thought would win. The crowd was gradually silenced as the announcer made his way onto the stage, letting us all know that the awards ceremony was about to commence.
"Ladies and gentleman, I hope you've enjoyed all of the performances throughout the 2 days of competition and welcome to the awards ceremony."

I looked to Mitch nervously, my knee shaking up and down. It isn't like the competition is a major deal, but winning would be fantastic. I grabbed Mitch's hand and interlocked our fingers, not afraid of anyone seeing as we were seated in a fairly dark section of the performance hall. I hated having to keep Mitch a secret, and I was annoyed at myself for not being honest with everyone but having to hold my feelings inside for so long has accustomed me to keeping things to myself. I would love to be able to flaunt Mitch around, holding his hand and letting everyone know that he was mine but I just cant find it in me to do that. I felt awful and at times, I could tell Mitch was getting frustrated too but time is all I need and I know he understands the situation.

I had disregarded everything the announcer had said until I heard his voice become louder and the audience fall completely silent.
"In fifth place, with a score of 73 out of a possible 100 are the students from Spring Hill Grammar School!" The crowd clapped politely as a representative from the group walked on the stage to collect the award. Fourth and third place were announced and I squeezed Mitch's hand, silently hoping we would become first place winners.
"With only a single point separating second from first place, the competition was very fierce this weekend. Both of these groups gave outstanding performances and greatly impressed the judges. In second place with a score of 97.5, please welcome to the stage, the students from Willow Park High!" My fellow choir members cheered as they realised we were most likely going to be placed first. We had a great reaction from the judges and audience and it would be disappointing if we didn't place at all.

"And, with an incredible score of 98.5, please give a round of applause to the choir from Martin High School!" We all jumped out of our seats, well, except for Mitch and walked as calmly as possible to the side of the stage, ascending the small flight of stairs and appearing on the stage. Miss Kirkland pushed Kirstie forward to accept and receive the small trophy as the audience cheered and clapped for us once more.

"I'm so proud of you all!" Miss Kirkland announced as we walked as a group to the warm up room to collect our belongings. "You gave an amazing performance and I couldn't ask for a better bunch of kids to work with. Scott," she said, addressing me directly.
"You looked like you have been in the group for the entire time we've been together and I want to say thank you for bringing your incredible voice to the choir. Although your voice is one in a group of many, you made a lot of difference and I know you'll be a valuable member for the rest of your high school life."

She opened her arms and embraced me tightly, patting me on the back as she did so.
"I think you and Mitch are a perfect couple," she whispered, as quietly as possible so no one else would hear.
"Thanks Miss but we aren't-." By the time I had gotten halfway through my sentence, she was gone and helping other students with their bags. "Together," I said to myself, sighing, grabbing my bag and making my way to the bus with the rest of the students. 

A/N - This chapter is so dumb and now I'm questioning whether I should continue with the story. I'm trying really hard to make it interesting for you guys but I'm just not feeling it lately. 
- Abby xx

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