Chapter 5 - Truth or Dare

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A/N - Just a little warning before you start reading, this chapter contains a little bit of swearing so I apologise for that, but I feel it was necessary for the portrayal of the characters emotions.

*Scott's POV*

As soon as I was let out of detention, I went straight home to a once again empty house. I wondered when my parents would be home next; I was used to them being away but it doesn't mean I don't miss them. I walked up the stairs and into my room, opting to have a shower before I selected what I was going to wear to Cassie's tonight.

I wrapped a fluffy towel around my waist, walking to my closet and pulling out tan coloured chinos, a Ralph Lauren polo shirt and an unworn pair of converse. I couldn't be bothered to struggle with my hair, so I dried it quickly and pushed it back off my forehead with my fingers. I took a snapback off a hook on the wall and put it on backwards; it looked best that way. Satisfied with my look, I grabbed my phone and headed out the door, hopping into my car and making my way to Cassie's place.


I pulled up outside Cassie's house, lights and loud music coming from the building. There were already heaps of cars lining the street, and a few people had spilled out into the front yard. So much for a small get together. I found a space to park my car, before getting out and walking inside the house to find my girlfriend. I searched through a crowd of dancing bodies, the music pumping loudly from a set of speakers in the lounge room. A red cup was forced into my hands and I happily took it; I didn't really care what it was, as long as it was alcohol. I brought the liquid to my lips, taking a sip of the beverage. Beer; it wasn't nearly strong enough to get me drunk quickly, but it'll do for now I suppose.

I continued searching for Cassie, checking all of the downstairs rooms before giving up, not bothering to go upstairs and look for her.
"Hey, Scott! We need another player for beer pong, wanna join?" Avi, one of my friends called me from the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded in response. I figured I was going to need some sort of entertainment while waiting for Cassie to come and find me.
"Yeah, for sure!"

*Mitch's POV*

When I arrived, the party was already going off, and I immediately felt uncomfortable; this wasn't something I was used to. I turned to go back to my car, but Kirstie was suddenly behind me, pushing me from the back into the large house.
"Just have one drink Mitch, I promise you'll have fun!" Kirstie urged. I weighed up my options. It was either stay here, have a few drinks and maybe enjoy myself, or go home to an empty house and spend the night scrolling through Tumblr. The latter sounded reasonable, but I rarely got invited to these things so I guess I should enjoy it while I'm here. I gave in, Kirstie pulling me further into the mess of sweaty bodies and alcohol. I crinkled my nose at the slightly off putting smell that was lingering in the air, but tried to ignore it. 'Partition' by Beyoncé was playing loudly from a set of speakers, the angelic voice echoing throughout the entire house. Masses of people were clumped together, grinding against one another to the music. I shook my head in disgust and looked to Kirstie, who jokingly rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Are they always like this?" I referred, half to the party and half to the dancing seniors.
"Yeah, pretty much! Parties like these are one of the only times where everyone can act like a complete slut and no one cares." She must have noticed the slightly confused expression on my face.
"C'mon Mitch, loosen up a little." Kirstie pulled me into the kitchen and poured me a drink, forcing the red cup into my hands.
"What even is this Kirst?" I asked, sniffing the liquid.
"It's vodka, now shut up and come and dance with me."

After a few more drinks I began to relax a little, becoming more comfortable with the party atmosphere. None of the other guests really even noticed me and I was glad. Shortly after my fourth drink, a game of truth or dare broke out in the living room. A large group of seniors sat in a circle on the floor, taking turns to force each other into doing stupid things or revealing something about themselves. Kirstie looked at me and raised her eyebrows, silently asking me if I wanted to join the game. I shrugged; this was my first real high school party and I wanted to have fun.
"Sure, why not!" Kirstie grinned and we both joined the circle.

*Scott's POV*

I had been at the party for over an hour and there were still no signs of my girlfriend. I had been to this house plenty of times before, so I decided to venture upstairs and continue to look for Cassie. All of the doors were closed, so I walked down the hallway opening each one consecutively before popping my head into each of the rooms and looking around. At the end of the hallway was Cassie's room, and if she wasn't in there I didn't know where she could possibly be. I had checked every room in the entire house except hers.

I turned the door knob, pushing the door open and stepping into the room.
"Cassie I-" I began to say, however I noticed she wasn't paying any attention to me because she was making out with some other guy in the middle of her bed! She finally opened her eyes, noticing me standing with my mouth wide open in the doorway.
"Babe it's not what it looks like, I promise!" I growled at the boy who scrambled off of Cassie's bed in fear, disappearing into the hallway and presumably heading downstairs.
"How is this not what it looks like?! You were making out with someone other than me on your fucking bed!" I raised my voice louder, the anger of the situation getting to me. I didn't expect Cassie to reply, however I was surprised when she yelled back just as loud as me.
"You're the one who makes excuses every time I want to do something! If you weren't such a frigid asshole, it would have been you in here with me instead of that other guy! No wonder you have a new girlfriend every week." Her statement made my blood boil; I could tolerate being called anything but a frigid. I screamed loudly, before stomping out of the room and down the stairs.

I snatched a drink off of the kitchen table, adding extra alcohol to it before noticing a game of truth or dare going on in the living room. I decided to join; I needed to get my mind off of my so called 'girlfriend' anyway. Cheating bitch. I took a seat next to Avi, getting comfortable on the ground. I looked up, noticing that Mitch was sitting directly across from me in the circle. We made brief eye contact before we both looked away. I felt my cheeks heating up, but that was surely because of the amount of alcohol I had recently consumed.

I wondered who had allowed him to come, before looking to his left and seeing Kirstie Maldonado sitting beside him. He must have been her plus one tonight; I didn't know they were even friends. Mitch had his head thrown back in laughter, obviously amused by something she had said. He looked absolutely flawless. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and focused on what was happening in the game.

*Mitch's POV*

I looked up to see Scott sitting down directly opposite me in the circle. We made eye contact quickly, however we both diverted our attention elsewhere when we noticed the other looking. I pretended to laugh at something Kirstie said, throwing my head back and closing my eyes. I didn't want Scott to know that he made me nervous. I continued downing drinks that were being given to me, not caring at this point what was in them. I just needed to get my mind away from Scott.

"Kirstie, I dare you to take body shots off of Mel." Someone said, pouring tequila into three shot glasses. I was surprised that she actually did it, but everyone whooped and hollered, making the girl laugh loudly. Kirstie turned to me, smirking evilly, before looking away and directing her attention to Scott.
"Scott, truth or dare?" Scott pondered the question for a moment, choosing to do a dare.
"I dare you to make out with the person sitting directly opposite you in the circle."

A/N - I'm really sorry for the crappy chapter! I wrote this at like 2am and I was having major writers block so forgive me! I tried to leave this chapter on a little bit of a cliff hanger so keep reading if you want to find out what happens next. Thank you to anyone who is still reading, I really appreciate it.

- Abby xx

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