Chapter 6 - Confrontation

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A/N - Hey everyone! Just before we get started I just want to let you know that there is some strong language in this chapter as well some homophobic slang and what not. I am not homophobic, I support gay marriage 1000%, it is just the nature of the story at this time. Thank you!

*Mitch's POV*

My jaw dropped, but it seemed like I was the only one that noticed it was me who was sitting opposite Scott. Everyone had their eyes on Scott, who was already getting up from his spot in the circle. My heart started beating faster; I couldn't believe that the Scott Hoying was going to kiss me, a boy in front of all of his friends. As he came closer he changed direction slightly, leaning towards Kirstie and gripping the side of her face, one hand on the ground for support. He leaned in closing his eyes and pressing his lips against Kirstie's. The blonde girl sitting beside me copied Scott's actions, moving her lips in sync with his. After a few seconds, they both pulled away. Kirstie looked a little flustered, but it didn't seem to bother Scott. He casually took his spot back in the circle and the game continued.

I couldn't focus on anything else after that kiss. I had wished so much that it was me that Scott kissed instead of Kirstie, but who am I kidding? Scott Hoying isn't gay, and he never will be. He thinks I'm a loser anyway. And even if he were interested in me, he wouldn't have kissed me in front of everyone. I'm not really even sure why I'm attracted to Scott, apart from the fact that he is physically flawless. I've known about him my entire high school life, and I've only heard bad things about him. So why can't I keep him out of my mind?

*Scott's POV*

I knew it was Mitch who was sitting directly opposite me, but I also knew that I could never and would never kiss him in front of all of my friends. I thought quickly, coming up with the plan to kiss Kirstie, who was also sitting across from me in the circle. I walked over to the blonde haired girl, not hesitating before kneeling in front of her and completing the dare. I could see the disappointment etched onto Mitch's face, but choose to ignore it and took my seat back in the circle.

There is something about the petite brunette that draws me in, that intrigues me and makes me want to know more about the mysterious boy. The way he makes me feel is something I've never felt with any girl and it confuses me a little, but I'm Scott Hoying; totally, for sure, 100% heterosexual. But if I am so straight, why have I wanted to kiss Mitch since the first time I saw him?


The game had ended about an hour ago when everyone got tired of the typical truths and dares. There were only a handful of us left; most of the people had left to go home. We were seated randomly throughout the living room, a few different conversations drifting around the space. Among those who were left, Mitch and Kirstie were still here. I didn't think Mitch would want to stay so long, but I guess the alcohol forced him to loosen up, influencing his decision.

I hadn't really been listening to what Avi was saying to me; he was rambling on about nothing and even though I was very intoxicated myself I couldn't be bothered to talk back to him. I was however listening to the conversation Mitch was involved in with Kirtsie and another guy, Kevin I think. There was a lot of laughing going on and to be honest, I would rather go over there than listen to Avi's voice. I got up from the couch where I was sitting, and headed towards the trio. Mitch suddenly looked up at me, our eyes locking in an intense stare. I lost confidence, something unusual for me and muttered some incoherent thought about needing to use the bathroom. My vision was blurred slightly, forcing me to hold on to the railing of the staircase. I stumbled up slowly, only then realising how drunk I actually was. I made it to the bathroom safely, entering the large room and closing the door behind me. I took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet, holding my head in my hands and closing my eyes.

*Mitch's POV*

I turned my head to see Scott coming towards Kirstie, Kevin and me. We made brief eye contact before he changed his direction and mumbled something about needing to use the toilet. I gained confidence for a moment, which was something I didn't usually posses. It must have been the amount of alcohol I had consumed tonight. I excused myself from the conversation; I wasn't really listening anyway and followed Scott upstairs.

By the time I had made it to the top of the stairs I couldn't tell which door led to what room as they were all closed. I tried my luck on the first and second doors, but they were both bedrooms. There were multiple people passed out or asleep on the floor and the bed; something that looked good right about now. It was past midnight and I was starting to get tired. I knocked on the third door, slowly turning the handle and peeking inside. Scott was sitting on the lid of the toilet, his eyes closed and his head in his hands.

"Scott?" I questioned. He looked up when I said his name, those gorgeous blue eyes making me weak at the knees.
"Dude, get out of here!" I was startled by his sudden outburst, dropping my eyes to the floor and turning around quickly to exit the room. I knew this was a bad idea. What were you thinking Mitch? I was just about out the door when he spoke again.
"Wait, Mitch." I spun back around and walking slowly over to the place Scott was seated. I leant against the sink, using my hands to lift my body off the ground and onto the counter top.
The tension between us both was very clear. The silence lingered in the air a little too long, and I could tell it was making Scott uncomfortable.
"Sorry," Scott said. "For yelling." I cleared my throat before I spoke.
"Uh, no it's alright; this is a bathroom after all." I laughed softly at my statement, watching Scott as I did so. He showed no signs of any emotion.
"Listen, um I know you were sitting opposite me in truth or dare but I couldn't kiss you with everyone watching." I was surprised by Scott's sudden honesty. The confidence the alcohol was giving me encourage me to hop down from the counter top and stand in front of Scott, situating myself between his legs.
"Mitch what are you-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. I had no idea what I was doing but I immediately pulled away, scared of what Scott would say to me. I went to run from the room but Scott grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. Before I could say a word, Scott grabbed both sides of my face and sloppily smashed his lips into mine, standing up in the process. They were incredibly soft, and I enjoyed the feeling while it lasted. I knew it was the alcohol that was making Scott do this, but it was incredible all the same.

Kirstie was the only person that knew about my homosexuality. I didn't really trust anyone else with the secret, and so it stayed just that; a secret. She was so accepting of me and still is, and I think that is part of the reason why we are so close. I knew from such an early age that I was different from all of my other classmates. All of my male friends talked about having crushes on girls, yet I had never felt anything romantically for someone of the opposite sex. I have been hiding it for so long that it felt weird that Scott Hoying, most popular boy in high school knew.

We were interrupted when the door opened. We sprang apart from each other, my cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. A very surprised Avi stood in the doorway, his mouth open and his eyes wide from shock. I knew he saw what was happening just a few moments ago. I looked to Scott. Something changed in him, and before I knew it Scott had me by the collar against the wall of the bathroom. "You fucking faggot! Don't ever come near me again, you hear! You are fucking disgusting and I never want to see your face again." Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I didn't want Scott or Avi see me cry. As soon as Scott had let go of me, I ran from the room, down the stairs and out of the front door. Only when I reached my car did I let the tears flow freely.

A/N Hiiiiii! Sorry again for the language, I just think it was necessary for the development of the story. I may post another chapter later tonight but it depends how much homework I need to do lol. Anyways, I hope you are all enjoying the story, and thank you so much for so many reads! I'm surprised that anyone is even reading haha!

- Abby xx

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